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complete strangers

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok so when I was 14 I ment this guys in a gas station store after we had just come from state finals his school against mine well my school lost by 2 points with made me so mad cuz I was a cheerleader but anyways after the game me and my fav. Cuzin went to a gas station for something to drink and I saw him approaching us witch all guys did to ma cuzin because she was beautiful and I wasnt like her at all but he came over and simply asked “are yaw going to states?” He looked at me and said hum i don’t kno and ma cuz said yea we might and he walked away well the next day he called ma house phone and we hit it off from there that was the first and last time I saw him face to face for about 2 days when we went to a party together after that night we haven’t seen each other in 3 years and 8 months because I moved a lot the funny thing is we never lost contact no matter where I was we loved each other but we began to think it was impossible to see one another again and we excepted it ontill I went to ka home town for a over thanksgiving break and ma bestfriend took me to see him ill never forget the way he stepped out the car and kissed me 🙂 thanksgiving was the next day and his family invited me over we were alone while everyone talked down stairs we went upstairs in his big bathroom to hide from all the other teens up stairs I kissed his neck and he got hard instantly and began kissing on ma neck I could feel ma pussy gettin so wet and we locked the door and cut the lights out he pulled off his pants and sat on the toilet and pulled me to come over to him he gently pulled ma panties and pants off and motionedto sit on it I positioned it to ma entrance and It was so thick and I kid u not at least 9.5 inches long I let the head enter me and utter hurt so bad I thought I seen stars so I got off I said babe u gotta get in me and he laid me on the floor he said u sure u want to do this babe and I simply said yes but I guess he picked up on ma nervousness and said babe please I don’t want to hurt you are u sure and I said yes he rubbed utter through ma slit a few times to get his dick wet and I found a new spot on his ribs so I began to rub them while reaching up to suck on his neck and I felt his body shake and he let out a moan he said u ready and I told him yes he pushed the head in again and it still hurt like it did when u sat on it the first time and I gasped for air i scared him and he pulled out I said whatever u do make sure I don’t run from u force me to take it babe and he smiled are u sure and I told him yea he out the head plus about 3″ in and I tried to squirm away but he grabbed ma hips down and he pushed up and he went almost the way into me I screamed in pain covering my mouth and he waited in that that spot for a second before he began grinding his hips going in and out of me ontill he popped ma cherry and blood came out but we didn’t mind it began to feel so good and before I knew it he was going faster and I couldn’t control myself I whispered baby I’m cummin and we both exposed the same time tbd rush I got when his nut exploded my insides was amazing we ended up doing it on the sink in the tub in the toilet and stand-in up he busted in me a total of 5 times in the bathroom we were unprotected but that’s not it we went into his room after about a 20 minute break and I rode him to death although 3 mins into it he came his hardest all night and I kept going we fucked a total of 2 hours and he busted in me a total of I times that night… so u would think i ended up pregnant right? Well I didn’t ill he 18, march 4th in few weeks and me an ma baby are still together and plan to try for a junior in April around spring break and just to think we started off being complete stranger in a gas station store 🙂 ily honey

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