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comptuer room

Age when it happend: 19 & now
Where it happened: my boyfriend place
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was on facebook at my boyfriend place . i saw this video of my two best friends having sex in the hospital. My boyfriend walked in and he got very hot and sexy and worked up . and he started to rub my legs very high and then went between my legs and uper . he had sex our self and posted it on Facebook and i enjoy it so much that we did it non stop up to 4 hours .

When i go to the ladys room we do it in there bo matter what we do it any where at any time just not out side the house . we even did it when his mate was staying the night and his mate walked in on us and he join us and his mate is a doctor him self . my boyfriend mate was liking me ever where down there .

I’m not 23 weeks into having a baby to my boyfriend still having happy and fun sex and at times with my boyfriend mate who is a Doctor .. I love when he finger me wild rubbing me down on my fav spot oh my gosh . He doing it right now likin me and rubbing me and making me honey oh my gosh . i’m on the table now and his penis is going inside me

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