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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: i was at home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It had started years ago when my friend wanted me to lend something of most importance to so I told him he may fetch it once he had the chance so he told me he wants it today I told him sure but he couldn’t pick it up I then wondered if he needed it so badly why I then suggested his sister could come and pick it up she was in grade 11 I always wanted to speak to her but my friend made a deal we don’t date family we were both players but any case she came over around 5pm the day she is a sexy girl wearing a a skirt an a sexy top but she came from practice all smelling of perfume I complemented she was laughing but she she always smiled more often I went along later she went home forgetting what she had to come fetch around 10pm I was off to bed when my someone knocked on my door I was naked I didn’t believe to wear clothes when I go sleep because I itch a lot so yes she saw me naked she then came in by force she then grabbed my dick an she knew well enough what to do I was confused of what was happening but she took control she helped me out more than I could ask so every practice day she come over to come blow me I knew I could do what ever I wanted to do not that it mattered I went down on her to find her libia was nice and big an I enjoyed playing with it things had progressed she was laying on my bed fully naked with her as in the air I didn’t bother so I came in for the kill I then sat on the floor I pulled her close so I started to play with her pussy and I enjoyed it she came after a few seconds she was over heat like a car moaning like crazy I was worried about her I gotten up asking if she was okay she demanded I lock the door now I was more confused but she said I must lay next to her before I knew it she was on me riding me very hard her breast was bouncing all over I grad an I loved it because they were the shape of large cherries omg I never knew she liked me this much so I was out breath an she was going on she wouldn’t stop an I was not planing to she then squirted on me all over my bed covers the following time it happen I told her she must drink juice lots of it because it makes your pee/squirted juice taste more better also adds flavor an she did I was muffing her but this was not on practice day she just came over lucky I was alone she was naked before we reached the tv room on the tiles she was laying miss cookie was already out to play I was more than happy just this time about 5mints she started to moan an squirted into my mouth an the taste was so good I could taste what she was drinking THE END if you want more contact me at kylerchetty@gmail.com

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