Where it happened: NEIGHBORS SHED
Langauge: ENGLISH
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Well, you always here the story of show you yours, ill show you mine, its true on my part. Get your popcorn ready, kinda long, but to explain it, its gonna take a little while!
I grew up in this neighborhood (its a circle) from 3 years old up till 20 years old. There werent any guys my age on the block, all were 15 years and up, so i had to hang with older guys as friends. Well, problem was, well, not really a problem, there were about 9 girls of my age up to 16 who live in the neighborhood, so plenty of choices. Well, i learned about the birds and the bees of such from some guys who ran a band in town , they were all 16 to 20, they told me about it, they kinda ran the neighborhood sexwise with all the older girls, so i learned quick. They all had special sex shacks in otherwoods where they would take the girls, one spot was a neighbors shed, the other being a old farm barn with plenty of hay.
They were always talking about all types of sex, so hell, i said, i need to get into this. Well Connie and i knew each other from age 3 up, cute girl, still is to this day. We would play from sun up to sun down, if i could be found anywhere, it was at her house. she was 9, i was 10. After leaving Jimmys (he’s 16) house after watching him fuck some girl, i said, hell im game, found myself messing with connie. One thing led to another, eventually that day, it ended up to show you yours, ill show you mine. She got interested in this neat gadget i had between my legs. she just had to play with it, which let to more. hell, we snuck off to the neighbors shed, she dropped hers, i dropped mine, she played with it for a while. There was this old big birdhouse , u know the condo looking ones with real style roofs on it, look like a good place to lay take on some ass. I played with here pussy for a few minutes, and talk her into bending over the roof of the birdhouse and go to work on it. Didnt know much of what i was doing, just what i had seen from Jimmy and the other guys in the band. I worked it over for a while, plopped her over, took care of it from both sides, this went on for a while. Finally decided we both were tired enuff, good thing, her dad came looking for her, we had both gotten dressed by then. Next day, same thing, this time, the guys told me to tell her to suck it for a while, easily talked her into it, she sucked it for a good while, then i returned the favor on her. This went on for a few months with her. You know how the word of mouth is, this got out to all the other girls in the neiborhood, the ones who werent scared decided they wanted to try it, so it was on from then. I ended up from 10 years old till up till 16 or so kinda running the neighborhood with my dick in other words, from single pieces of ass, to 3 somes, even a couple girls 18 & up by the time i was 13. Even when some of the local girls would have sleepovers, i was always invited. took my share of virginity and even took a many of asswhoopings by big brothers, even 1 from a crazy ass dad. finally found a girl and settled down in a relationship at 17. Wish to God i didnt, it lasted 7 years, wasted 7 years on a crazy one! couldve been busy with the neiborhood girls.
Old Connie is totally missed by me to this day, she was down for anything that was wanted, and only i could do anything with her, she finally married away at 19 years old to a friend of mine, he still has no clue about us, just that we were friends. Here i am, with 2 preciouse kids now by a girl i have been with for the last 7 years.
Great times, and great ass , hard to beat!