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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: In the Kitchen
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

One day, I was making cookies for my boyfriend’s birthday, when he stopped by. I had completely forgot it was our two year anniversary! He stopped by to surprise me for it! My parents weren’t home – i was just bakin by myself. I asked if he wanted to help me, so we mixed up the dough in a bowl. Lemme tell you i was in THE mood, so we started making out. He picked me up and sat me on the kitchen counter where we continued to have dry sex. I undressed, and he did too. I saw a penis fer the first time, and i was like “Woah! That’s the biggest dog I’ve eva seen!” I looked at it a little while longer and then i was like “where’s its arms? I think it’s hidin em! It’s just waitin for me to turn around so it can socapunch me!” My boyfriend assured me it wouldnt socapunch me, so we kept going. He ate me out, but when i went to give him head i noticed he had a large amount of pubic hair, so i was like “Your rat needs a hair cut!” He ignored the comment and told me to keep goin. We didn’t have a condom but decided that the ceran wrap would work. We took it out and wraped up Brian Fellows (that’s what we call his lil buddy) with the ceran wrap. We continued to have sex. He started to come, an pulled out because we were afraid that the ceran wrap couln’t hold his load. Not knowing what to do with his dick that was about to cum, he stuck it in the bowl of cookie dough! Just then my mom got home! We had to get dressed really fast, and clean off the counter. When my mom came in i pretended to be baking still, while he left threw the back room. My mom sat and talked to me, and helped me make the dough into balls and put it on baking sheets! We actually baked it! My whole family ate those cookies, and they all thought that they were so unbelievable good! I even had some and they were pretty tasty! So now whenever i make cookies, i have to have my boyfriend come over, and bring brian fellows!

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