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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: her brothers house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay, I was staying at my cousins house for the weekend. He had told me over the phone about this girl (Heather) that he had been trying to hook up with for a few days. He was kinda bragging about how good looking she was, from my point of view I thought he was wanting her to be his girlfriend. Well he decides to go to her house, and wants me to tag along and tell him what I thought of her. When we get to her house, she decide that we should go across the street to her brothers house, cause none was at home there. She had a friend that was spending the night, and she kept trying to get us to talk. Well I wasn’t very interested in her friend, I had become interested in Heather. My cousin and I were about to leave, when out of no where, she grabs me by the dick really hard and is pulling me toward the living room, where her friend is. I said “I’m not interested in her….I’m interested in you” when I said that she stopped and turned and starts walking toward a bedroom then she looks back and tells me to come on. Well I didn’t hesitate one second. I followed her and she closed the door behind me, and the clothes flew off. I had no idea I was going to be as lost as I was, my cousin opened the door half way through it all and shut the door back really fast when he saw what was going on. it lasted about 30 min I guess. We saw each other 3 times after that. My cousin never said anything about it, even when I would bring it up….I guess it kinda made him mad cause I hooked up with her after only a few min, and he had been trying for a week.

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