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Couldnt belive it !!!!!

Where it happened: holiday
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was going on holiday with my parents and their friends to spain. There was loads of people coming with us mostly my mam and dads friends , so i was lyk ” oh joy, holiday with old people how exciting”.
when we actualy got there one of my mams friends had 3 sons one called james who was 13, one called thomas who was 15 and benny who was 17. At first i thought oooh thomas is damn fit but after about a day his personality was a real downer, he was soooo boring. Benny however was realy outgoing and always friendly winding people up but making them laugh, my feelings for him became intense , i wont say it was love because im not sure but i couldnt stop thinking of him and when he ever looked at me i would get butterflys. He oviously wouldnt like me in that way because nothing great happens to me when it comes to my love life.
Well after a few days of talkin and getting along realy well i ached for him more, i just seemed to always get the urge to rip off his shirt and throw him against the wall making pashionate love to him, but oviously that was just a fantasy. wel that enuff about how much i lyk him lets get to the point.
it was just me in him playing snooker, everyone else was at the bar in the hotel which was upstairs , we were down stair no-1 else around. he brought up a question about my last boyfriend and my answer was ” i dont kiss and tell”. next thing i know we were playing on arguing about sumthing silly, but we were just joking. i ran from him and hid behind the corner , he ran over laughing and pushed me against the wall, then our eyes met and the laughing and play-fighting stopped. silence untill his lips were firmly against mine, his hands roaming my body from my breasts to my thighs, we were moaning as we exsplored each overs bodies , rubbing against each over in a rough manner as if we had been dying to be with each over for ages. then he pushed me to the ground and pulled my skirt up, we were feelin eachover up like mad !!and then after about 15 minutes of playing around with eachovers bits he slowly pushed his penis into me and my nails dug into his back as i let out a loud moan of pleasure, it hurt a small bit but only for about a second and the rest was pure luxery, i suppose when you like someone loads sex always is great, for me it was a dream come true and benny says it was for him too, we are no longer together because after the holiday ended we never seen eachover enough, he wants to be with me but i cant accept it because i never see him.

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