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council cup

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: front seat of my car
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My entire lif I was so dead set on not having sex untill I was married. Well needless to say that didn’t happen. I had been seeing my boyfriend for what seems like forever and we just never seemed ready to do it. One night we went to this overlook called Council Cup in PA. We tended to go there a lot because he lived nearby. This night we were messing around in my Neon, the passenger seat, kissing like crazy. After what seemed like hours he started to pull my pants down and I thought why not so I took his off. We kissed some more and I asked if he had any protection. He put a condom on and we continued to have sex right there in the passenger seat of my car. About 5 maybe 10 min into it he yells “Shit, what time is it” and when I told him he said he had to go home b/c he would miss his cerfew!!!!!!

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