Where it happened: His dorm room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
This all happened last summer while I was attending a summer program at a college. My dorm didn’t have any air-conditioning; in fact none of the girls’ dorms did. There was a kid in one of my classes, lets call him John, whom I became friends with pretty quickly and I soon began spending the majority of my free time in his dorm because, well, it had air conditioning which is like really wonderful in almost 100 degree weather.
I was pretty inexperienced when it came to guys. I mean I had made out before but other than that my sexual history was pretty much nothing. That all changed when I met John’s roommate, Mike. Mike was hilarious and extremely fun to hang out with. We got on pretty great and joked around and pretty soon I became Matt and John’s honorary roommate.
So now that we have a bit of backstory, lets get down to business.
About 3 weeks into the program, I crashed in the guys’ room because of pulling an all nighter the night before and I wound up sleeping on their floor, wrapped up in a blanket I stole off of John’s bed. Mike was still asleep and John went to the mall. After falling asleep, I was woken up by Mike picking me up off the floor and stating that I shouldn’t be sleeping on the floor and he set me down in his bed. He then climbed in next to me, smiled his dorky half smile and pulled the covers over both of us. I think he was sound of sleep, but I sure wasn’t. My heart was racing being in this close of proximity to a guy. I could feel his hot breath pouring over my face since I was smushed in against his chest. I felt really awkward and laid there as a stiff as aboard; not wanting to move in fear of waking him up or making some embarrassing movement. Then my stomach let out this huge loud growl which woke Mike up. He stared at me for a couple of seconds, and my face was flushed bright red and the tips of my ears were burning. Ok. That did not just happen. Mike then started to laugh, and would not stop laughing as I buried my head into the pillow. Then we somehow got into tickle fight and I was easily over powered.
So there we were, lying on his small twin-sized bed, him above me with my hands pinned back and him winning the tickle fight and one thing lead to another and he kissed me. He was lying on top of me and we were kissing.
I felt his cold hands (he would later tell me that he had poor circulation in his hands) starting to slide up my shirt towards my bra.
5 minutes later, my shirt and bra were off with his hands cupping my boobs, his fingers rolling and pulling at my nipples were soon replaced by his mouth. I shivered. It felt really good and I could feel myself getting really moist down there. His hand slipped down to my shorts, unbuttoning them, and slid his hand into them rubbing the outside of my panties.
Soon enough, we were both without clothes, he unwrapping a condom and I laying back a tad bit nervously on the bed.
He smiled that dorky half smile once again, and told me to relax. Now, I have always heard about others first times being painful, and like it felt like they were being ripped in two, but for me that was not the case. When he entered me, I felt complete. Not to sound too sappy but this was actually one of the most indescribable feelings I’ve ever had. Though the feeling was short lived because darling John came bursting through the door, chatting loudly to us about the new hat he bought. The look on his face was priceless though, and I have never been so embarrassed in my life.
My first time, to say the least, was incredible even if we were interrupted. Over the course of the rest of the program, Mike and I fucked whenever we got the chance. Now that I’m home, I kind of miss him a lot because he was a really good friend… and I really liked hooking up with him. We still chat a lot though.