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Cousin Jerry

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Cousin's House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

A couple of months ago, I was talking to my Cousin Jerry on the phone, who told me he had this new computer and how neat it was, and if I wanted to see it and use it, I could come over. Jerry is sort of a computer geek, a few years older than myself (24), and lives by himself. I went over one evening and had a ball working on this brand new PC with Windows 7 on it. I was there quite late and when I went to go home, around ll:00 P.M. we noticed that it was storming outside — lots od snow had come in a sudden wintry blast. He didn’t have a car and neither did I (my Mom had driven me over), so he asked if I’d like to stay the night. I had no other choice really. We ended up, snuggling in bed, and before long, we were fucking. My first time. He said he had always wanted to fuck me, and I guess that was true for me too. I loved it, and will sleep with him again when I get the chance.

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