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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It has just been one of the worse Novembers for snow in Scotland, a few weeks ago I found myself five miles from home and no way of getting there apart from walking.
I started to walk home fearing the worse, luckily for me I met Craig who lived in my village and was also having to walk home. I did not know Craig well I had seen him in church a few times but as I am only fourteen and Craig is in his thirties we never had any thing in common. The walk home was tiring and I found that being with Craig helped me through the worse. When we got to our village Craig walked me to my house my mum was at home and when I explained that Craig had stayed with me to ensure that I got home mum thanked Craig. Over the next few weeks I saw Craig around the village and in church, my friends were surprised that I knew this guy. Christmas came and after having a fight with my boy friend on Christmas eve I found myself alone going to the mass in church. During the mass I saw Craig who was reading one of the lessons. After mass there was tea and mince pies in the church hall I saw Craig and wished him a happy Christmas with a little kiss. We sat and talked no one took any notice of us. When every body started leave I helped Craig clear up. He walked me home as my mum was out with her boy friend I asked Craig in for a drink, we had a drink and soon we were kissing Craig did not seem to sure but I knew what I wanted for Christmas. I left Craig on the sofa and went to my room being 14 I did not have any sexy lingerie but my mum was about my size so I borrowed a black lace bra and black lace panties the bra was a bit big on me but I looked Ok. I put on my mums silk robe and went back to see Craig. He was surprised and when I took the robe off and sat on his lap I could feel him getting hard. After another drink and more kissing I told Craig ‘I wanted him’ we went up to my bedroom and closed the door Craig undressed me then climbed onto the bed with me Craig took his time but after a while I could feel him inside me it seemed to take ages before he came we lay there talking after a while Craig left and I fell asleep I was woken by my mum and her boy friend having sex in the room next to mine. In the morning I put mums bra and panties back in her room washed my sheets. I saw my friend Katie on Christmas day and she was telling me how she had done it with her boy friend, Well I had done it with a man, there is a difference.

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