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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: park
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So anyway I had graduated from high school still a virgin. I was a little embarassed about it, so I didn’t tell my fiance that I was inexperienced. He wasn’t and we had talked about it. We had decided the first time we would do it together would be our wedding night. Whenever he talked about it I would get nervous and worry that I would mess things up. A week or so before the wedding a friend of mine from work and I were talking while we waited for the bus and he could tell something was bothering me. We had been friends for a long time, so I felt I could confide in him. He suggested we go into the park and find a place to talk about it. I had always found him somewhat attractive. We had never gone out becuase he always had a girlfriend and it felt comforting having him sit so close to me with a hand on my knee. I told him my problem and that I was scared and didn’t know what to expect. He half-jokingly said he’d let me have a practice run with him. I looked up blushing, and giggled but couldn’t hold his stare. I couldn’t, I told him. But he saw me glance at the bulge in his pants. He said, You could just take it out and look at it so you know what to expect. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his ankles slowly. I gasped, how was I ever going to get something like that into me. I stood motionless for a moment and finally reached out to touch it. It flinched at my touch and he guided me down to sit by him. i was somewaht turned on by his boldness and the sight of that cock gave me a wierd feeling in my stomach. I was now rubbing it slowly and I asked how something so big gets inside of such a tiny hole. He told me I ahve to get really wet and he was moving his hand up my leg. I was shocked but didn’t move as he put a hand in my panties and started fingering me. It started feeling really good. He msut haved noticed becuase he looked at me and asked, How bout that practice run. I didn’t say anything but sort of nodded and he pulled my panties down. Next thing I knew he was at the entrance pushing slowly in. It felt soooo good. I didn’t climax, but I did on my wedding night

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