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Age when it happend: 75
Where it happened: Camp
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well my first time isn’t really romantic. I met the guy I lost my virginity to in my freshman year of highschool. We had a class together and he was a senior. After we met each other we definately had a thing for each other, but being a senior, he had thing “thing” about not dating freshmen. So he was interested in me but decided to date another senior. Throughout the year he was dating her but in class we would exchange naughty notes to each other. That’s how the whole thing about me losing my virginity to him came up…I wrote it in a note in class and gave it to him. Hey, it was high school! Well he wasn’t against it by any means. His graduation was coming up and he is a director at a camp nearby and I had asked him to take me there fishing after school let out. I love to fish! So, we talked on the phone and all and finally one day he came to pick me up that summer and we went to this little bunk house where the cook would stay at summer camp. Nothing fancy, just a bed and bathroom. We got there and we both knew what was going to happen. I mean, we had talked about it for months! So he laid me down on the bed and began kissing me. He took off my shirt and started sucking my tits. I thought it was kind of funny cause he had told me before that he had to search for his girlfriends tits, and I was a 36 C at the time so there was no searching for them on me. So then of course he took off my pants and he took his clothes off too. He laid on his back and tried to push my head down for me to go down on him. Unfortunately for him, the other girls he had been with didn’t do the oral thing, so I would be his first for one thing at least. He kept pushing my head down and I kept resisting, mainly playing cause I wasn’t that scared, I had done it before, just not with him. It reminds me of Scary Movie where he keeps pushing that girls head down in that one scene. I was thinkin’ “Hey that’s me!”. So I finally went down and played with him for a little while. I got back on my back and he went down on me, then put a condom on and started to fuck me. All I could feel was my freakin head hitting the wall. He tried to put his hand in the way but still all I heard was bump, bump, bump…I didn’t have an orgasm this first time. I was actually thinking, “Is this IT!?”. What really put a damper on the situation was his girlfriend paged him right as we were getting through. Lovely. As we were walking back to the vehicle he said, “Damn your pussy tastes good!”. That made me feel a lot better though cause you know you’re always worried in the back of your mind if you’re fresh or not…especially in the hot summer. Well I wound up feeling guilty cause this carried on a few more times and I was friends with his girlfriend’s sister and I felt guilty and told. I had to go over there and I even had recorded coversations but she ripped up the tape and wouldn’t believe me…and of course he denied it. So time went on and I left him alone. Him and her got married – and divorced! And four years later we hooked up again. He wound up dating my friend, which he didn’t know we were friends at the time. I told her don’t you remember me talking to you about so and so in highschool? She asked was that him and I said yep. So thanks to her we started talking again, he left her shortly after, to be with me, the one he should have been with from the get-go! Our sex life is a lot better now. No headaches all the time, and he makes me come nearly every time. And he says my pussy still tastes good! We have been together now about a year and a half and are very happy! So at least my virginity story has a happy ending…four years later!

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