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D && A

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

It all started when I got a job at a small pizza joint in town. It was me, the owner’s husband and her brother. Well, her brother had the biggest crush on me — you could tell. But I didn’t feel the same way at all. I was crushing on my boss’s husband aka “A”. But I never thought anything would happen. But one Saturday night as we were cleaning up for the night A whispered (so her brother wouldn’t hear) and he asked if it was a bad thing that he “like liked” me. I was so excited I got chills everywhere. And of course I said it was ok. (Just to clear up a couple things — my boss cheated on him and got pregnant with some other guys kid. So basically their marriage was over.) He left her and we dated for about a month when we started talking about sex. I was terrified because I was still a virgin. And later I found out he was nervous because he wasn’t sure if I loved him and he didn’t want me to think that he was just in it for the sex.

It was 4th of July and we were hanging out in his living room. We were kissing and making out and touching. It’s always pure heaven being in his arms. Before I knew it my clothes were off and so were his. He was going down on me, licking my clit and sucking on her. It was such a new experience. I was wet. Soaking wet and it was amazing. We moved to his bedroom and luckily made it onto the bed. A was on top and he slowly guided himself into me. When he got all the way in I almost screamed. The first time I saw his cock I thought there was no way he could ever fit inside me. He was too big. But he pushed his huge cock into me. I was so stretched. But he paused and maintained control for a minute so I could get used to having his member inside me. He whispered in my ear and told me he loved me and that my pussy was the best ever. I melted. He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear. A fucked me hard and it was pure bliss and pain. I don’t think he really knew how big he is or how small my pussy is. But I loved the mix — I love pleasure and pain mixed together. He groaned deep in his throat when he came. Knowing that I made him experience an orgasm was the most empowering feeling. And he made me cum 4 different times.

I’m so glad I waited for the one. It was the best decision of my life to save myself for the man that I love and who loves me back — it’s a special feeling. One that I’ll never forget. A and I are still together. It’ll be 1 year this June. We’re planning on moving in together in a couple months as well. I guess that’s it for my first time.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience