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Daddy never loved me!

Age when it happend: 5
Where it happened: In my dad's room.
Langauge: Ebonics
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

welz i waz 5 @ da time. meh dad was like,” Nigga eat my nuts” so i wizzalked over to hizzim and sucked his cock. he pizzuled out of my mizzouth & put hiz cock in meh booty. i bled a lil’ @ first but then it all got better. he then kissed me and thanks. i then tizzold my dizzad to fizzuk hizelf and he then slizzapped me and fizzucked me again. that time he blew his lizzoad on my face and dizzint hold back. i blamed it on mike grauman and called him a nigger. i felt bad then went to my room to do my home work.

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