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daddy’s baby

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: school driver's ed car
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was sixteen years old and I had never had sex before and I can’t even remember thinking about sex until after I had done it for the first time. I remember having a bad day because my mom and dad were splitting up. I was very upset but I did not want anybody to know. I was ashamed and humiliated at the mere fact that my parents would no longer be together. They had been sleeping in seperate bedrooms for weeks. Antway, I remember going to school that next morning and seeing Coach. He was a very fine man, a very nice man, and he was also very understanding. Coach was the instructor for my fourth period driver’s ed class. I already knew how to drive(heck I had a car), but my parents insited on me taking the class because it would help lower the insurance. To make a long story short, I had always thought of coach as a father. We all could talk to him about anything. He always made time to listen. I guess that he noticed that something was totally wrong with me because he told one of the girls in my group that she didn’t have to go out driving today if she didn’t want to(the other person from our group was absent). Nobody ever really wanted to go driving anyway. I had to go. I needed to go because I was feeling so bad and Is knew that I could talk to coach and this would probably be the first and last chance that I would build up enough nerve to tell anybody. So We got in the car and as I was driving along, he asked me what was going on with me and I broke down and told him. I had to get it out of my system. I began swaying from lane to lane and coach made me pull over. He immediately got out of the car and hopped back in on the driver’s side. We rode on until we came to a dirt road. I remember lying my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. I felt all warm and tingly inside just because this man was comforting me. I finally began to calm down when out of nowhere I kissed him. He pulled back and looked at me and then I kissed him again. I had perfected kissing because that was the only thing that I had ever done before today. I then proceded to jump in his lap when and as I sat there coach was getting his hard on. This thing felt like a hammer or something. We kept kissing until I slowly took his shirt off and began kissing him down his chest. I made it to his navel and i looked up into his eyes and I knew that he wanted me to suck his dick. He was very quiet. He wasn’t demanding or anything. He just let me have my way I guess, before he decided to have his. I unzipped his pants and there was a sight to see when I kind of pulled his pants down. This man had to have at least nine inches of dick before I even thought about sucking his dick. I tried my best to engulf all of his precious dick in my mouth. Keep in mind this was my first experience with oral sex, too. If it wasn’t for the movies that I snuck and saw, I would have been messed up. So let me take the time out right now and tell the makers of pornographic films and features thank you because you helped make my sex life what it is today. I sucked this man dick and watched as his eyes rolled back in his head. I felt him cun in my mouth twice. The whole time his dick seemed to be swelling. I was a litle disappointed at frist because he wasn’t doing anything to me. I was giving him my all, only to get nothing in return, or so I thought. After he cummed deep in my throat making me gag this third time, he finally spoke, he told me that it was his turn now. Immediately, he threw me down onto the seat of the driver’s ed car and snatched all of my clothes off, leaving me butt naked as he sat there with his pants completely on, just a little undone. This aggressive behavior really turned me on, because I could feel that I was kind of wet and he noticed it, too, because he picked my panties up and sniffed and felt the inside of them. He then slowly pulled off his own pants before he began teasing me. He started kissing me on my neck and he moved up and down my body like a lizard. He was in and out of spots of my body before I knew it. He finally took time out and played with my young, tender, virgin cunt. I guess he was excited because I was sooo wet down there. He kissed it, he massaged it, then he tongue fucked it. My thought then was that it couldn’t get any better than this. Then he stuck one of his fingers up there and it hurt at first, then he stuck another one, then another one, by that time there were three fingers in my cunt. And I distinctly remember asking him to go ahead and put it in me. I was on the verge of havinf my third orgasm. He was really gentle. He took it one inch at a time. I only saw a little blood and it actually did not hurt that bad. He made me hold my legs back and open really far until I could feel him poking around in my stomach. That shit was awesome. We had fun. He came in me, I don’t know how many times before he made me turn over and stick my ass all the way up in the air. He pumped my pussy like there was no tomorrow. I was in heaven. When he decided that this was probably going to be the last go round for him for a while, he begged my to take the last load in my mouth and I wholeheartedly obliged. I sucked every bit of it up. We were very late returning to school. We stopped at the gas station and got cleaned up. We both talked about our experience and he told me that I was the BEST FUCK THAT HE EVER HAD. (This is probably because his wife doesn’t give head, and every man wants there dick sucked. And she is a stupid bitch, because if she doesn’t give him head somebody else will, just like I did). We continued to have sex until the year after I graduated from school. He was great and until now, no one ever knew. I didn’t even tell my best friend. And again, thank you porn and thank you coach.

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