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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: At His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

A boy that I knew from school and I decided to get together to study at his house one afternoon. Nobody was home, so we sat on the floor in the living room and got our books out. He took off his shoes and got barefoot, so I decided to go ahead and do the same. So we were sitting there, studying, and going over the material. It was actually nice to have someone to study with, and the two of us were doing pretty good.
Anyway, we’re sitting there and it was kind of fun being barefoot. Usually I was kind of shy about doing that, but he seeme34d perfectly comfortable with it, and nobody was around. We had been studying for maybe forty minutes and were kind of coming to an end. We sat there and talked, saying how good this had been, with both of us liking it. Then,he leaned over and he kissed me on the lips. I was surprised, not expecting that at all, not to mention kind of shocked. I had never kissed another boy before. He could see that I was surprised. He just grinned sort of shyly, and said how he had thought that I looked like I had wanted to do that.
I didn’t quite know what to say. I didn’t think that I had looked that way, although we had been getting along really well, and we were sitting there barefoot, and I suppose being sort of chummy. I self-consciously told him how I hadn’t been expecting that, and he remarked on how good it felt, also saying how nobody would know if we felt like doing that as friends. I was kind of embarrassed, and again didn’t quite know what to say, and I didn’t want to look like a complete prude, either. So when he started to lean over again, I went ahead and leaned forward, and we both closed our eyes, and we let our lips come together. We kissed for maybe ten seconds, long enough for me to think about how it felt. It did feel nice, and unexpectedly exciting to actually be doing that with another boy. That afternoon, that was all we did.
A few days later we got back together at his house to study again. We were both shy smiles about our having kissed. For fun, we went ahead and did some more kisses. I felt a lot more relaxed about this, and enjoyed it. We began to get quite a bit more amorous in our kissing, holding each other, while we actually used our tongues. It was quite a turn on. He told me that this was giving him a boner, and I admitted that it was giving me one, as well. I sat there and watched as he opened his pants to show me his. It was not especially long, but it had a large head. Feeling uninhibited, I went ahead and showed him mine, which was longer and with a more rounded head. As we sat there, we started feeling each other’s boner, and after about fifteen minutes, we jacked each other off. I couldn’t believe how exciting or good it felt doing this with another boy.
This was my first same-sex experience. The two of us remained best friends throughout school.

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