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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was a steamingly hott Augaust afternoon- August 20th, to be exact. It was around 2:30, when i got to his house. I ran over to his house from mine (probably about a mile and a half), because i had to go to work, but i first wanted to see him.

See, we were on the phone, when he said he had something to tell me, but wasn’t sure about if he should. He told me that he knew that it was right, but maybe just not the right time (too soon into the relationship). Me, being the curious soul that I am, could not wait till the next day to find out what it was, took a shower, and was at his house within about 12 minutes. I had to work at 4, so i had to make it quick. I got to his house, sweaty and exhausted. He got me something to drink, sat next to me and said…

“So how you doing?”

Well, I ignored the question and asked him what it was he needed to tell me, b/c it was going to take me an hour to get to work, so i had to be out of there by 3. He finally looked into my eyes, with such intensity and said it. “I’m falling in love with you.”

I couldnt help but smile and look down to the floor, when a tear started to roll down my cheek. I told him i felt the same way, and that there were so many moments that i wanted to say it but couldn’t. I told him I loved him too, and then we kissed. It was the most powerful feeling i have ever felt, and when we seperated from the kiss, I knew i was ready.

We were on the fouton bed, and when things started to heat up, he got up, shut the window, turned off the light, and let the fouton down flat into a bed. I was shaking so violently, desperately attempting to hide my fearnticipation. Then, he started to kiss my neck, excrutiatingly light at first, and then a little suckulation of the skin right under my jaw bone. Then, he worked his way down to my collar bone, and slowly rollled his tongue along it, making me quiver with each millimeter. I had spagetti straps on, and as he started to pull the strap to the side, he looked up, while i could see the hunger in his eyes, asking for permission. I nodded yes, and he pulled the strap off, and started to pull my shirt down, moving with his lips down little by little. I started to pull his shirt his back, until he got the point, and pulled his shirt off. Then it was my turn. I kissed his neck, leaving quite a few hickies (woops). Well, Then one thing led to another, and we went for it. Now, the interesting thing about this story, that makes it that much more special, is the fact that it was also his first time. He did me a few favors first, “prepared” me for what was to come, and then we did “it”.

It lasted a while, which was surprising. The CD by Rockell, “Instant Pleasure”, ran through two times, and then ended right at the beginning of number 6 “Are you ready fo rmy love”. This song, had already been declared “our” song, and it basically summed up everything about us.

“are you the someone i’ve been looking for?
are you the one who’s supposed to make my life seem so much more?
and are u the picture i painted on nights when i needed a hand to hold,
someone to call my own?
i need a lover who’s gonna stick around
who knows when to begin and never thinks about an ending”

There was a particular part of the song, however, that really got to me, and as we lay there exhausted, sticky, and in eachother’s arms, this verse came up…

“i’m ready
to give myself completly
to you
you, only you yes you
only you
and baby there’s more to come..”

As soon as these words came up in the song, i knew i had done the right thing, and probably for the first time ever, I cried tears of joy.

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