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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his room
Langauge: english!!
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok well first of all..this wouldnt have been first time…it just would have been a first with this particular guy…he was the first real boyfriend that i had and i wish i would have saved my virinity for him but i accidently and stupidly lost it to another guy who was a loser…but ne way!!! it was homecoming week and it was the kick off dance before the actually homecoming dance..his parents were out of town for the weekend and we really wanted to get it on…cause well we were just really in love with eachother and if the oppertunity knocks where nobody is home then why not!! go for it!! so we went over to his house and just started gettin freaky in his room…first it was just the kind of making out where you are so horny and ready to get hard core..that you get slammed up against a wall and fondled!! hahah..well ok then ne wayz!! so we’re continuing to get ruff and clothes begin to come off..im in a thong and he is just in his boxers..something told us to go no further tho but we just couldnt figure out just what it was..but we were kissing and he was licking my nipples and i loved every minuted of it cause i knew that finally we were goign to do what we had wanted to do but never got the chance for a long time..we were just planning on skipping all the fore-play bull shit and gettin right to the point so we just laid there…he was laying on his back and tilted sideways a little against the wall near his waterbed and i was on top of him with my back towards the door to his room…we were kissing and he had JUST asked me if i was ready..and i said of course..and we then started making out again..then all of a sudden i heard the door open to his room…we both froze..and i put my head down into his shoulder…not even wanting to turn around..he looked up over me and went “ARE YOU SERIOUS” looking like he had just realized he was in deep shit and he was dead..i was of course freaking..cause i didnt kno what was going on…then i heard a mans voice say…”WE ARE SOOO SERIOUS” in a angry tone..so of course i thought his parents had come home early..saw that he was home and caught us right before we got it on..and then after that freaky moment..i hear laughing..i turn around and there is one of our best friends dale..standing in the door way..laughin his ass off..then he says “OH MY GOD CHAD AARON GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE THEY WERE GUNNA DO IT!!” then you hear footsteps runnin down the stairs then entering the room with their faces lit up…they were in shock…then my boyfriend decided to jump outta bet..and beat the shit outta them..they ran away screaming like little girls still laughing..it turns out that brandon (my boyfriend)forgot to lock the doors to his house..so that was how the guys found their way in..and we were also lucky because brandon’s blinds were closed in his room because if they werent…the boys had a clear shot in and they had a video camera..they were going to tape the whole thing!!!….after we got dressed they came back in the room and we all talked and laughed about it..needless to say that ruined that attempt at a great wild night..and of course with our luck..we never got the chance to do it again after that..we broke up about 2 months after..we are still great friends tho..and we are goign to hook back up so..when it actually happens and we arent interrupted i will tell you the good story with all the details you want!!!

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