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Age when it happend: 15 years old
Where it happened: Salem, Illinois
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I am the Dan in 46433, so here is my story for the second time. I hope it gets posted and I am not wasting my time again. I am going to save it to my own email just to make sure I don’t end up typing it for a third time.

I lost my virginity on June 19, 1983 in Salem, Illinois. To be more specific, at Moose Park, behind the softball fields on the bank of a lake. I had just met Vickie that day. The reason I remember the date so easily is it was Vickie’s 16th birthday.

Vickie was not good looking. Not at all. But she was very nice considering I did not know what I was doing at all. She was probably about 5-foot-6 and weighed 200 pounds. She had some super huge boobs though and some glasses that look like they were cut out of the bottom of a Coke bottle. I did not really care, I was horny as hell. I had touched a girls boobs before, but that was it. I was slim, about 5-10 and 145. I was a high school athlete at the time, so I was in good shape. I had never met Vickie before that day. Her mom and my mom worked together and we were all at a picnic.

Since I have set it up, now the story. Vickie and I had been talking, because no other kids there were our age. My brother was the next oldest kid, and he was 13. After a little bit, I asked her if she would like to go for a walk. I knew that I wanted to mess around, but had no idea what was about to happen. I knew I wanted to see those boobs though, feel them and suck them.

Vickie and I were in a secluded spot when I asked if she wanted to sit down. As soon as we sat down, I reached for her boobs. I reached under her shirt and started to play with her nipples. Thank God she liked me, or that would have been a bad move. Looking back, I should have started with a little hand holding and some kissing. As soon as I started feeling her nipples, she pulled me in and started kissing me.

We made out for a bit and I was getting hard as a rock. Vickie stood up and took her pants and her panties off. I was sitting there looking at the first bush I ever saw. Vickie had a huge, brown bush with massive amounts of curly hair. In those days, girls did nothing to groom their pussies. She was like nine inches across at the top of the pussy.

She looked down at me and said, “We are going to fuck, right?” I was like sure. With that she laid down on the ground and told me to get on top of her. I did and she positioned my dick right at her entrance. I just sat there, when she said, “What are you doing?” I responded, “We are fucking.” She was like well you have to put it in me and with that she grabbed both of my ass cheeks and pulled me down into her pussy. The sensations of skin on skin was tremendous. I was enjoying the sensations and Vickie just looked at me as I was all the way in her pussy and just sitting there.

She was like what the hell are you doing? I was like we are fucking. She started laughing and said please get off of me. I did and started to get dressed. She said, “I just said get off me, I did not say to get dressed.” I sat down next to Vickie and we are sitting there with our stuff hanging out. She explained to me what to do. Telling me to put it all the way in her and then withdraw it all the way except for the head. Do it over and over again till I have an orgasm.

I did exactly as she said. I lasted all of five strokes and 30 seconds till I was blasting cum all over her bush and stomach. Vickie told me later that she could feel me throbbing inside her and she pushed me off before the majority of my baby juice got in her. She did not get pregnant.

That was so tight, wet and desirable, it was unbelievable how it felt. I remember it like it was yesterday. Vickie was not cute, but had a heart of gold. She was nice enough to still fuck me even though she realized it was not going to be that pleasurable for her. She did not cum and she was far from a virgin. Lots of girls would have walked.

Four years later, I was dating a girl in college that was teaching me how to perform oral sex on women very well. Other than that, she was not very nice. I ran into Vickie in a store in Centralia, Illinois. Since my college gf and I had yet to have sex, I decided to see if Vickie would like to do it again. Needless to say, it was a very pleasurable experience for her and I as I used my tounge on her and ate her to three orgasms, before having sex with her.

The sad note as I write this, Vickie has been dead for almost 12 years. she died in late May 1997, about three weeks short of her 30th birthday. I don’t know how many guys she had sex with in her short life, but this one is in her debt forever.

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