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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: At home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ah, early teen years, just found out about masturbation. My friends and I had hesitantly talked about it, asking each other if we’d “done” it. My best bud and I had both admitted we had masturbated, talked about how good it felt.

In those days, in our lives, getting a “girl” at that age was highly unlikely. Over the summer, we gradually advanced to masturbating together, almost daily. Another of our friends, who was not “in” on our activities, got hold of some of his father’s porn movies which we watched at my house while the parents were at work.

One day, while we were alone at my house, my friend asked if he could fuck me in the ass. At first, I felt uncomfortable, worried that this might be found out by others and I would never live it down. Eventually, though, I agreed out of intense curiosity. At first, it hurt like hell, even with the vaseline we used. Eventually, it just felt uncomfortable, but it was so naughty and forbidden, I kind of liked it! Soon, thankfully, he came hard and a lot in me.

Over the rest of that summer, I would suck him or let him fuck me, then I’d jack off, just about every day. He’d never help me get off, and I realized he was just using me for his own needs, but I let it continue as I knew how uncomfortable it was to be so horny and need to get off. I took a lot of his sperm that summer!

By the next summer, we were all so interested in girls… and not getting girlfriends, though, that our activities were no longer talked about, let alone done.

In these days of AIDS and other STD’s, I long for those days and wish I could re-enact them!!!

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