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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I grew up in a country where almost every middle class, certainly, every upper middle class family can afford a maid. Indeed, throughout my childhood we had many a maid. This one particular one was called Jane. She must have been something like 17 or 18. Anyhow, this one evening we had some extra visitors and as was the norm, my mom had her surrender her room for the one of the visitors. She ended up sleeping in the room I shared with my two younger brother. Luckily though, only my little brother was home from boarding school that night. No sooner had the lights been turned out than I was started imagining what Jane looked like under the sheets. And try as I might to dispel those thoughts from my mind, I just couldn’t. I kept hearing the voice of mother at the back of my head reminding me that as a good Catholic boy, I had to always keep my mind clean. Anyhow, by this time my schlong had swollen to gigantic proportions. I pulled off my boxers and then twisted and turned in the lower part of the bunk bed for the next two hours till I thought I was going to burst. To be sure, I’d already learned the art of a good jerk off but I’d never ever before done the real thing. I couldn’t start giving myself a hand job because I was afraid that I might make a mess whose signs would be available for all to see in the morning. Besides, I was fearing all along that the bed might make all sorts of creaks that might even have my mom come checking on us to see what was up as she often did.

Finally, I decided that I was going to take the biggest risk of my life up until that point. I started off by very carefull freeing the upper sheet and blanket from under the mattress so I could get out of my bed with the less noise. That done, I lowered both legs to the floor followed by both my hands and then crept slowly to the corner of the room where the temporary “bed” of the maid was. At this time my heart was pounding as I was partly afraid that she might wake up and scream. After all, we hadn’t even made a deal for me to come out to her bed in the first place! So, you can imagine my relief when I slowly got to her bed (which actually was simply a mattress on the floor with the necessary sheets and blankets). Taking the utmost care not to wake her up, I eased myself onto her mattress and got under her beddings. She didn’t stir. By this time my schloong was as hard as teak and throbbing like hell. Anyhow, I slowly brought my side to touch hers at which point she stirred and to my utmost surprise, turned her body to face mine all without any shriek! I pulled back my mid-section fearing that the touch of my schlong might wake her. But then, I was further surprised by her pushing her own midsection towards me with the inevitable result of my dick touching her panties. At this time I was very close to falling off the side of the twin bed and so I just decided to get on top of her even though she was still asleep. So, I very carefully put the palm of my right hand over her mouth in case she screamed, and got on top of her. To my surprise, she did not scream nor open her eyes even though she used one of her hands to free her mouth from my hand. Furthermore, she parted her legs! I coulnd’t believe this was happening to me. So, I looked into her face and just simply said “Shhhhhh” at which point she started to wriggle and remove her panties. She never did remove her bra though. Once the panties were off, I poked around in the darkness with my schlong until I felt it slide into a moist crevice. God, did I think I was in heaven! I pushed in and out as she rode me as she held my butt. Within five minutes it was all over. I heard her ask me whether I was done and all I could maneage was another “shsssss” after which I pulled my wet schlong out of her and I quickly returned to my bed. A few minutes after that I remember the maid getting up and going to the bathroom where I heard the shower run for about five minutes. By the time she returned to the room I must have already fallen asleep because I can’t recall that part.

So, that there was my first time. Jane didn’t last another year before she left and we got a new maid. But at that time with the mystery of women solved I had reverted back to being a good Catholic boy who wouldn’t have sex for another 5 years after having come to America to attend college.

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