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Age when it happend: 32
Where it happened: Mom's place
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was thirty-two at the time, and divorced. My mom was fifty-three, and has been divorced from my dad for fifteen years. She has a small place at the beach, and his a writer and works at home. Lots of weeknends I would go down and visit her.
That weekend I went to visit her. It was raining, so we had to be indoors. Mom had been working, looking her usual self, very casual, barefoot in jeans and sweatshirt. She stopped working when I got there, and remarked about having a stiff neck. Her desk is in one conrer of the living room, and she was sitting there, and I offered to massage her neck for her. Well, she liked that of course, and said how good it felt, and I happily said that I would be glkad to give her a back run if she wanted. Mom liked the idea, and said that she could stretch out on the bed. So we went into her room, and mom stretched out face down on the bed. I took my shoes off, and began massaging her back, and did that for about twenty minutes.
Mom got quite relaxed, and when I stopped, she rolled onto her back and said how good that had felt. I told her, any time. She said how we should probably have some lunch, only how she was feeling too lazy now to even get up. It was still raining outside, and it was nice just sitting there on the bed, and I said that there was no rush about lunch. Mom smiled and commented on how with the weather, it was the type of day that was made for feeling comfortable and cozy and snuggling. I smiled back, and we did a snuggly sort of hug, and it was easy to just stretch out and lay there with her. I noticed that her nipples were pushing out at the sweatshirt she had on, indicating that she was obviously braless. Mom laughed and grinned over that, saying how that was just part of feeling snuggly. Then she teased me and asked if I wanted to snuggly her boobs. I laughed too, and and playfully gave her breasts a gently squeeeze through her sweatshirt, and mom commented how she liked that sort of massage.
Normally both of us probably would have been too inhibited to every really do something like that. But right then it didn’t seem like a big deal. I slipped my hand under her sweatshirt and began to massage her bare breasts, which were quite full and soft and warm. I even let my hand brush over her nipples. Seeing that she was enjoying it, I pulled her sweatshirt up to bare her breasts. She just smiled, offering no objections, so I leaned over and kissed her nipples. She murmuered, so I sucked on each one a little, and she murmuered some more.
It was fun being playful together like this. Being demure about it, mom said how we could always just have our clothes off if we were going to be doing this. I told her that it would be ok with me, if she wanted. So we went ahead and got undressed. It was quite exciting getting to see my mom naked, and she liked seeing me naked, too. We hugged and I felt her breasts some more, and started to get an erection. A really nice stiff one. The next thing that I knew, while I was sucking on her nipples again, I felt her hand takin a hold of my boner, massaging its stiffness. Mom told me how good that felt, and the said something about how we at least didn’t have to worry about taking precautions.
From there, things progressed naturely, and soon I was on top of her, with my erection in her vagina, and we were fucking. It was not like this wild, uncontrolable moment. It was wonderful laying there doing this together, too. Mom and made love for about fifteen minutes, and she finally worked up to having an orgasm, and then I went ahead and ejaculated in her. It was so incredible sharing this kind of intimacy! About an hour later, mom and I fucked again.
That was two years ago. Since then, mom and I have continued to enjoy the pleasure of being intimate on a regular basis.

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