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Danny’s Delightful Dick

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Behind my High School
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

This happened last year, when I was a junior in high school.

I used to like to watch the boys’ track team run their races and marathons. I especially loved to watch, Daniel. He was a Senior and the only black boy on the team. In fact, he was the only black student who attended our school. He was so handsome — tall, about 6 ft. 4″. Nice slim body. In his track uniform — shorts and sleeveless tank top — he was my ideal of the perfect athlete. And he was fast. He placed first in every race he ran. He was also very shy. He was in a couple of my classes and every time I’d try to talk to him, he’d just smile, but wouldn’t say very much.

I had never had sex before, but I dreamed about having sex with Daniel, and I fantasized about it a lot.I wondered how I could make it a reality.

Well, I attended all the track meets,and always made sure I was at the finish line, cheering him when he came in ahead of everyone else. I also tried to flirt a lot with him in class, and after class, walking down the hallways. But, as I said, he seemed real shy, and although he was always very polite tome and smiled a lot at me, he never said much at all.

In October of last year, they were having the Senior Prom. Teasingly, I asked Daniel if he had a date yet, and he told me, No, he didn’t think he’d be attending. I asked him why, and he told me he didn’t have a girl friend and didn’t know much about dancing. I then decided to make my intentions known, and asked him if he’d like to take me as his date. Daniel told me that I was very pretty and he’d love to take me to the prom, but he didn’t think others would approve and I ought to ask one of the other Seniors (he meant white boys) if I really wanted to go.

It was two weeks before the Prom and I saw Daniel again after class one day. I told him I really wanted to go to the prom and I had not found anyone to take me. Actually, this was a lie, because three other guys had asked me, and I had turned them down, telling them I already had a date. I begged him to reconsider, and told him it would be a lot of fun and, after declining again, a few days later he finally gave in and said he’d take me.

On the night of the prom, he picked me up in his Dad’s Honda. My folks were really surprised when he came to the front door. I had only told them that I was going to the prom with Daniel. But, again, he was very polite, and my Dad and Mom were pretty impressed, in spite of his color.

He took me to a very nice restaurant for dinner, and we began to have a nice conversation and got to know each other. I learned that his Mother had died a couple of years before and he lived with his Dad and two younger Sisters.

At the dance that evening,the other students were rather surprised when we came in, but said nothing, and the evening went off without a hitch. I also learned that Daniel was a much better dancer than he had claimed to be, and during the slow dances, when he held me close, I was in absolute heaven, because I could feel his rock hard manhood against my pelvis and knew he was having the same kind of feelings I was. But, again, he was an absolute gentleman that evening, and although he gave me a short kiss on the cheek at the end of the evening, and thanked me for being his date, nothing else happened.

A few days after the prom, the track team was having their last meet of the year. As usual, I was there, watching, and waiting for Daniel at the finish line.As usual he came in first,and then he came over and he put his arm around my shoulder, and we walked toward the school together. He was pretty much out of breath, ut said he was glad to see me again.Aswe continued to walk, I put myarm around his butt and just sort of massaged his butt with my left hand, outside his shorts. As soon as I began doing that, I could seehis erection rise in his shorts, making an obvious tent in front.

We walked toward the track dressing room which you entered through the back of our school, and just before we came to the doorway, he sort of steered me around the corner of the building, which was quite secluded, and before I knew it,he pushed me gently against the brick wall, andbegan to kiss me frantically. His adrenilin was really flowing, from the race, I guess, and he was not his usual shy self at all. HIs erect penis, inside his shorts, was pressing against me firmly, and it felt soooo good!I thought I would have an orgasm then and there. As he kept pressing against me, and filling my mouth with his tongue, I urged him on: “Danny, please fuck me. please! I need you in me right now!” He kept telling me that we shouldn’t; that he’d really like to, but what if someone should come by and see us? I told him that it was late and no one was at school now, and the rest of the track team would probably go straight to the locker room. We both wanted each other very badly, and so, he finally reached under my skirt and pulled my underpants down and I took them and stuffed them in the pocket of the light jacket I was wearing. He then slid down his pants and took off his athletic supporter, and quickly the tip of his penis found my aching vagina, and he proceeded to thrust into me gently. I had never really seen a man’s penis before, but his looked very long — probably 8 or 9 inches, maybe longer. It wasn’t long before he was in me, fully, and thrusting himself into me at a rapid pace. The warmth of that beautiful erect manhood within me felt wonderful. Except for a slight twinge atfirst, it did not hurt at all, and I was soon experiencing these wonderful sensations within my body.It was not long before I could feel gigantic spurts of love juice filling my vagina. I urged him on and asked him not to stop. He kept say — “Oh, God, I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but it fels so damn good. I can’t stop!”This shy black boy who had always been afraid to talk to me very much was now loving me with every inch of his manhood and it felt so wonderful.

I walked home with him that evening and by the time we got to his house it was kind of dark. He found a note in the kitchen that his Dad had taken his Sisters out to McDonald’s for supper and then they were going to a movie.
Seeing that we had the house to ourselves, we went to his bedroom and undressed completely, and took a shower together. Sudsing each other up while the water poured over our bodies made us very horny again, and we fucked again, very intensely. His taking me from behind while he masseged my breasts with soapy water was very erotic and we came several times together.

When I got home later that night, my parents wondered where I’d been. I told them the meet had lasted very late, and they accepted that, I guess.

Since then, “Danny,” my shy Prom date and I have fucked many times, whenever we can find a suitable time and place. We can’t keep our hands off each other, and now he can’t keep his delightful dick out of my love canal for very long.So far I haven’t gotten pregnant, but if I do, Danny and I will marry, and hopefully live happily ever after.

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