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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Living Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My best friend my freshmen year of high school was a girl named Darla. We were both 15 and never had any feelings for one another other than friends. One afternoon after school while we were at my house doing our homework, out of the blue she said she wanted to loose her virginity. I was surprised at first but was really floored when she said she wanted to loose her virginity to me. I was a virgin as well and at first I thought it was a joke but she remained serious. She told me her older sister had bought her vibrators and she used them on a regular basis. She said she was ready for the real thing and wanted to know if I was up for it. I wanted to have sex but really didn’t know what to think because Darla was my best friend. She said to me that it would bring our friendship closer, just wanted it to be sex and that’s it. She also said she was going to do this regardless and would rather have us loose our virginity to each other because of our love as friends than to strangers we probably feel nothing for. I told her it sounded good to me and we planned for it. That Saturday my parents went away to their cottage up north for the weekend and her parents were out of town except for her sister. I had the living room of my house all ready for her before she came over. I dimmed the lights, turned on some soft music, lit some candles and also lit some incense. I was nervous and excited all rolled into one. When she arrived and her sister dropped her off, I couldn’t believe how good she looked. She dressed like a tomboy but that night she had her hair done, perfume on, make-up on, a dress, pantyhose and heels on. She also brought a six pack of beer her sister had bought her to relax us a bit more. We sat on my couch right away and drank three beers a piece and talked. She leaned in and kissed me and I kissed her right back. She slid off her heels and lay on the couch. We went right into the act and she lifted up her butt to lift her dress up to her chest, slide off her panties but kept her pantyhose on because they were crotch-less. Her feet and legs looked so good in the pantyhose and she had a nice patch of trimmed pubes that looked so sexy. I lifted up my dress shirt, took down my dress slacks and silk boxers to my ankles and took off my dress shoes. My boner was sticking right out because I was so horny and excited. I told Darla I had a condom but she told me to toss it away because she wanted her first time to be bareback. She did tell me however to pull out when I had to cum because she wasn’t on the pill and she didn’t want to have a baby. I didn’t want one either so I told her that was no problem. I got on top of her right between her legs and she guided my dick inside her pussy. She felt so good I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe I was actually having sex with a girl and was so happy. She hugged me and I started thrusting inside of her. It got to the point I where I felt like I was on auto pilot and let momentum take over. Her pussy got so wet it got me even more horny which I thought was impossible with everything that was going on. She started moaning and telling me to go faster and not to stop. It was only a few minutes into sex with her but it felt like longer. I was starting to hit my peak and didn’t know how much longer I could go. Before to long she told me she had started to cum. Right after she told me that I couldn’t hold it in any more and I pulled my dick out of her pussy. I raised up and started jerking my dick off. A few seconds later I started to cum all over her stomach. We were both moaning loudly and it was so hot. When I was done we both smiled at each other and kissed. For a few seconds I stood there and looked at all my cum on her stomach and thought how sexy that looked and couldn’t wait until I had sex again so I could do that to another girl. I was also surprised to see all my cum went onto her stomach and didn’t get on her clothes. I got dressed and got her a dry and wet wash cloth to clean her stomach off with. When she was done she got dressed as well and called her sister to come and pick her up. She told me what a wonderful time she had as did I and when her sister arrived she grabbed the empty beer bottles, gave me a kiss on my cheek and told me she would talk to me later and left. I took a nap on the couch and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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