Well, besides my hand being my first there was this gorgeous young (older) woman who 3 at the time who had invited me to go camping up in Napa Valley California.
Needless to say being in the Marines at the time I had a few buddies who decided to join us, of course I looked at the trip to be innocent enough as I was a virgin when I accepted the invitation. Anyway, the three other Marines rented a U-haul and threw some sleeping bags and cases of beer in the back.
My girl and I rode in her car as they followed. We all got drunk and basically chilled out during the day, then that night my buddies slept in the U-haul (box truck) Bonnie and I slept in her car. (he-he)
I mean I really slept. (Too much Tequilla) The next morning I woke up to a kiss on the lips. Bonnie then started on my neck and well let’s just say that’s my hot spot that shoots down to my tubular steak, one eyed willy, what ever you want to call it.
My swanson got hard and she knew it, because she went straight for it. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled my willy out and started to stroke it. My goodness, I wanted to say no, I was scared as hell, I won’t lie. I thought the what if’s… What if she gets pregnate? What if she get’s pregnate? and finally, What if she gets pregnate?
She didn’t have to take off her clothes, they were already off. She unbuttoned my shirt and took it off as she straddled over my lap. I wanted it to happen, but I didn’t want it to happen. I told her no as she started to lower down positioning my pocket pool stick at her corner pocket opening if ya know what I mean???
She didn’t listen though, she just slipped my slim jim into her wet vessel. I would probably have had a case against her if it wern’t for two reasons…
1) Had I actually hated what had happened and not returned to her for more every single day for the following two months I was stationed there.
2) Had I actually used verbal language when I said NO, instead of “uhh – ohhh shiiit”
Needless to say that since it was my first time, it would have been a waste to video tape the action, because a thirty commercial lasts longer than I did, and besides the fact, I don’t think that three strokes and a money shot is exactly what you’d call exciting???
Well, my friends bumrushed the car laughing and saying Happy Easter after they had realized what had happened. They probably tried to watch or something and blinked and missed it all.
I must of gotten her approval, because we stayed together for the remainder of the time I was stationed there, but I was reassigned in the middle of the night and lost contact with her. Man I loved her too.
Next on Oprah : “Suprise, your my daddy” Unknown Family Reunions Special. Happy Marriages broken up by unexpected children from s in the past!