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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

My first time with Dave was well…interesting. he was the fourth perso id ever slept with. it was the second time i had met him, approx 24 hours after the first time we met. i went over to his house with my friend. he bf was freinds with dave so he was there too. they took his room and i knew they were doing it. dave and i sat in his living room. we were drinking a bit. we started making out. he went to lay down on the couch when i sugested we go into his room. so we walked in on my friend n her bf, kicked them out n took over the room. dave had a hard time undoing my pants so i helped him out, also removing my underwear. he took off his pants and we went at it. half way thorgh, my fried n her bf came in saying something about how now it was there turn to interup us. and so they layed on at the end of the bed and began to also have sex. it may seem awkwar but it surprisingly wasnt. i ended up having to leave before he or i got a chance to finish. but we had plenty of time to make it up to eachother bc as of now we r still together and have been for the past year and a half!

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