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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Grandparents House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

My Grandpa (my Mums Dad) lost my grandma at an early age (I never met her) and from then on he only ever had male friends from then on which was never talked about as Grandpa had always been a bit of a maverick, he loved to paint and his back yard was almost like a Italian villa with grape vines everywhere and sculptures of men spread around the place.
My Dad and Grandpa never got on all that well for reasons at the time weren’t known to me but were later explained as you will see
One year I was to spend the summer holidays with Grandpa as Mum and Dad were going on a holiday just for them to try and reconnect their marriage was struggling and they needed time away from everything just to be by themselves at the time I was quite young (early double figures) but loved spending time at Grandpa’s place as it was like a fantasy land with so many wonderful surprises everywhere a young mind went to look.
Grandpa had one regular friend that visited. This man was no older that my father. He worked for the same water company that Grandpa had worked for. I felt like I was intruding on their relationship. Whenever I entered a room they were in, I often noticed that they interrupted their conversation in mid-sentence. They would change the subject right away. I felt like I was being deliberately being excluded.
His friend’s name was Shaun. He was nice enough to me but I felt like he resented my presence. Like Grandpa he was about six-feet tall, physically fit as well. His hair was light grey almost silver. One of their favourite topics of conversations was classical music. They could spend hour’s discussion the relative merits of conductors. Their taste was similar but they could argue forever about the minute details of a particular performance. You could say that Grandpa was obsessive about music. His library walls were covered with thousands of vinyl recordings of music. They were catalogued by category. You could select a conductor and find every recoding made of his work, or select specific selection of music and find every recording ever made in the last hundred years, or select a composer and find everything he had composed and cross reference by different conductors and dates. His catalogue system was overwhelming. I learned quickly that I had to replace them right where they had been.
I had been living with Grandpa for about 3 weeks when things really changed. I had been a horny preteen when I had moved in. I had been shown how to masturbate by a friend. I masturbated three or four times a day. My fantasies were about sexy women at the time. I thought I was hiding my activities by depositing my cum in a thick towel, and washing it regularly with my clothes. Grandpa never let on that he knew what I was doing.
One evening when Grandpa and Shaun had gone to town to listen to the orchestra, I had begged off of going because I really didn’t care for that kind of music. I would much rather listen to popular rock and roll music. I chose to go to the movies and watch an action thriller that night. When I walked home I got something to eat and retired to my room to masturbate. I heard them get home and pretended to be asleep when Grandpa checked on me. I heard their faint voices while they talked in the library for a while. When it got quiet I assumed Shaun had gone home.
I was just about to fall asleep myself when I heard a crash coming from the direction of Grandpa’s bedroom. I bailed out of bed and ran to his room. I was afraid that he had fallen. When I burst into his room I was stunned by the sight that greeted me. The noise had been made by a lamp being knocked off of the bedside night stand. The ceramic base was broken and the lampshade was damaged. The bulb was still on and casting large shadows high on the back wall. What shocked me the most was the sight of my Grandpa and Shaun, on top of the bed totally naked! Shaun was on his back curled up with his heels resting on Grandpa’s shoulders. Grandpa was supporting his body on his hands and toes. His cock was buried in Shaun’s asshole.
I had never dreamed that men could fuck each other like that. I didn’t move. I just stood there watching. If Grandpa was upset about being caught it didn’t matter. He was too close to coming. He just kept hammering his cock into Shaun’s ass. Shaun was grunting and groaning with every thrust. When Grandpa moaned and dropped to his knees. Shaun’s legs slid down the sides of Grandpa’s body. I saw Grandpa’s cock slip out of Shaun’s ass. It was still hard and it was wet. There was some frothy cum around the base of his cock matting down his pubic hair.
Grandpa tuned to me and said, “We better have a talk about this!” Both of them sat up and invited me to sit on the bed. Neither of them made any attempt to cover up their nudity. Grandpa said, “I never wanted to upset you, but you were going to find out about Shaun and me sooner or later. Do you know what it means to be gay?”
I had never even heard the term before. I thought it just meant to be happy. Grandpa told me, “Being gay means that a person has sexual relations with members of the same sex.” He went on to tell me, “I have always been gay. Your grandmother knew about me long before we were married. Your mother knew about my boyfriends for years. That was why your father didn’t care for me. He feared that I would seduce you. I never would have done so. Now that you live with me you might as well know about Shaun and me. Can you understand and accept my relationship with him?”
I looked at their naked bodies and my own dick responded by slipping out of the fly of my pyjama bottoms and got hard. Shaun noticed that I had a hard-on and placed his hand on my dick and squeezed it gently. My dick responded by throbbing and getting even harder.
Grandpa said, “If I seemed distant to you, it wasn’t because I didn’t love you. I was just afraid that if you found out about me that you would hate me.” Having said that he wrapped his arm around me and kissed me right on the mouth. I had never been kissed by a man like that before. It sent shivers through my body. I didn’t resist when his tongue entered my mouth. He was playing with the nipples on my chest while Shaun was starting to masturbate me for real. I sat there feeling all kinds of thrills for a while before I got up the nerve to take hold of their dicks.
I was fascinated by the way they felt. Grandpa’s cock was about six inches long. He was circumcised. The head had a thick roll around the knob making it look like a padded purple ring around a flesh coloured helmet. The scared skin where the foreskin had been cut away wrinkled up around the head on the up stroke and stretched out and looked whiter on the down stroke. It throbbed in my hand. Shaun’s cock was longer at least eight inches with a definite curve to the left side of his body. The base was thicker and tapered to smaller sized head than Grandpas. It didn’t have the same roll around it like Grandpas. It just had a wide curving mushroom. I learned that he had been circumcised as an adult. That did not stop me from enjoying the feeling of his cock throbbing in my hand as I jacked him off.
Grandpa stopped me from jacking him off because he had just cum in Shaun’s ass. The additional play was becoming painful to him. He just wanted to kiss me. Shaun did deliberately stop me from jacking him off so much as his body got a little too far away when he bent over to suck on my little cock. He was able to take my dick and balls into his mouth at the same time. He actually ticked me with his tongue. I eventually squirted cum into his mouth.
They stripped me of my pyjamas and sandwiched me between them. It was just natural for me to allow Grandpa to spoon me and for Shaun to back up against me so that I was spooning him. It was very exciting to fall asleep between the warm bodies of the two men. Grandpa had his hand resting on my chest and I had my hand on Shaun’s chest.
In the morning I woke up feeling Grandpa’s stiff dick poking my right between the cheeks of my ass. I reached down and found Shaun’s stiff dick. I squeezed it and heard Shaun moan softly. Shaun said, “Davey…I have to go pee!” Grandpa said, “Me too!” They threw the covers back and they exited the bed from both sides. I had to pee too, so I followed them to the bathroom. They were standing around the toilet with the seat up, with cocks in hand as they aimed the yellow streams into the bowl. Jest listening to the splash of water made me want to pee all the more. I was pinching my dick to keep from peeing. Shaun finished first and shook his dick before heading for the sink to brush his teeth.
I took his place and when I released my dick my stream of piss managed to miss the bowl. It splashed off of the rim all over Grandpa’s leg. He chuckled good-naturedly and lifted his cock up and sprayed his piss all over my chest. Some of his piss even hit my on the face. I tasted his salty urine. I made a face. Before I could respond Grandpa grabbed me by the back of my neck and shoved his cock into my mouth. He pissed what was left of his urine into my mouth. I had to swallow that hot liquid. When he was finished he kissed me on the lips. While we were brushing our teeth Shaun stood behind us. He was feeling our butts. I was not prepared when he stuck a finger up my asshole. It did give me an instant boner though.
When we were back in the bedroom I sucked Grandpa’s cock. Shaun was behind me licking my asshole, while reaching between my legs to pull on my dick. Shaun asked Grandpa, “Can I be the first to fuck Davey?” Grandpa was running his fingers through my hair. I looked up at his face with his cock deep in my mouth to see what he was going to say. Grandpa winked at me and said, “Whatever is mine is yours!”
Shaun got off of the bed and retrieved a bottle of some stuff that turned out to be a liquid lubricant. When he got back on the bed behind me he poured some of the cold liquid on the crack of my ass right above my asshole. He worked some of it into my asshole. When he was satisfied with his efforts, he proceeded to grease up his cock. Then he pressed the head of his cock against my asshole. It hurt and I moaned. I couldn’t say anything because my mouth was still full. Grandpa was the one that whispered, “Relax boy…make believe you are shitting, by pushing.”
When I did, Shaun’s cock slipped into my asshole. When I stopped pushing my asshole tried to clamp down. The pain was mind shattering. I had to keep pushing while Shaun fucked my asshole. When he finished and pulled out of my ass I still could not close my asshole without pain. I felt liquid running down my ball sack. I feared that it was blood. I reached under my body and wiped my balls. When I brought my hand around I found that it was white cum. Grandpa started to cum in my mouth. I choked on his cum before I managed swallow it. Grandpa pulled me up on top of his body and kissed me. We lay there recovering from the sex for a while. Shaun lay beside us and I played with his slippery dick while we rested. Hunger overtook our sexual desires.
We got up and headed for the kitchen. Gramps cooked breakfast for the three of us. It was very strange to be sitting at the dining table eating while my naked butt was sitting on the maple dining chair. They had fresh brew coffee with their eggs. I had milk. When the dishes were in the washer, we returned to the bedroom where they started kissing me again. I could taste the coffee in their mouth. This time it was Grandpa that wanted to fuck me. I sucked Shaun’s cock while Grandpa was lubricating my asshole again.
I would love to say that it didn’t hurt. It did hurt though. It took me a long time before I was able to get fucked by a man without pain. After they had brought me out, they introduced me to their friends but that as they say in the classics is a story for another day.

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