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Davey’s first

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was awesome–my first time. It was with an older college guy named Jon who worked around our house for extra money. He was 19 or 20 and I was 15. He worked for a couple of months and sometimes stayed with us and used the extra bed in my room. Getting ready for bed or getting ready for school we shared a bathroom and were often in there shirtless and alot of the time, naked. I don’t really know how it all started but over time we developed and attraction for each other and sometimes we would talk most of the nite and over time he would sit on my bed or I would sit on his and we would be right next to each other. As time went on, we got comfortable with each other and he would massage my back and I would do the same for him and one nite Ted asked me to roll over and he began to massage my chest and belly. I remember I was a little embarassed because I was sort of in raging puberty and my nipples were really swollen and I did not want him to see that because I was self-conscious and had been teased by guys on my hoop team, but he made me feel so good. He told me that had happened to his nipples when he was growing up and that it was normal. He gently rubbed my nipples and it blew my mind. I mean the pleasure was incredible. It was so nice, we did this often–like every time he stayed with us. And after a few times, I was massaging Ted’s back and one nite, I asked him to roll over. He did and I teased and massaged him just as he did to me. He was like a god to me and here I was massaging his big pecs and making his nipples get hard. Holy shit it was sweet! This went on for a couple months and then one nite, something awesome happened. I was wearing just a towel from the shower and Ted massaged me and when I rolled over so he could rub my chest, the towel opened and I just left it that way and as he massaged me and teased my nipples, I got my first erection for another person to see. I was as hard as a crowbar and Ted massaged me as if nothing was different. Except this time he worked lower and before I knew it, he was touching my bush. It wasn’t heavy yet but he massaged it and I remember he even told me how fast I was becoming a man. It was all so damn simple after that. My cock was truly throbbing. Some people say that but I’m telling ya that it was throbbing and while it was probably wasn’t that impressive to him, he did not hesitate to explore it. That first time, Ted lubed my cock with the lotion we were using and he just stroked it. I mean, that is all he did, but it was paradise to me. I had never felt any pleasure like it. He probably stroked my cock for ten minutes–really lightly and he knew how to tease me. I remember moaning and groaning like a sissy and he would slow down and tell me it was OK to cry or whimper because I was becoming a man. He complimented everything–my cock, my bush, my build and even told me my nipples were sexy and I felt so awesome. After ten or fifteen minutes of stroking me and teasing me, something icredible began to happen. It was so new to me as the pleasure increased and Ted saw I was nearing the point of no return and he slowed for a minute or two and asked me if I wanted him to take me over the top. I was not totally sure what was going to happen because I had never even jacked off. I don’t know why but this was my total first time. He gently explained what would happen to me as he continued to massage my cock and told me what orgasm was. I was so fucking excited but also nervous but I told him I wanted him to do it, to make me into a man. I remember actually saying that to him–please make me into a man tonite. And he did. He slowly and very gently stroked my cock and teased the underside of my shaft so lightly I cannot explain. But any guy who understands how his dick works knows just what I mean. The lighter the stroking, the more intense the torture and pleasure and it might have taken another two or three minutes but they were the most amazing few minutes of my life. Ted held me in his arms as he teased me to my first orgasm. I tried to tease his nipples (which were hard and right there for me to touch) but I began to lose control and I remember begging for mercy and I can still hear Ted telling me to be tough and its OK to cry out but just let it happen. He just kept tickling my cock and I lost all control and in about 30 more seconds my body was as tense as a board and I remember Teddy telling me to let it happen and that I was really a man and he even told me my nipples were hard from the excitement. Then he brought me to my first orgasm. And it was the best. He just tickled the underside of my cock and teased my cock head and I exploded and shot my jit all over the fucking place. It went all over my chest and onto Ted’s chest. It shot over my head and hit the bed board behind us! And I think I screamed like a chick. I mean, I was so fucking loud but I could not control it. He was right. I felt like I was becoming a man at that moment. Looking back, that may be the best orgasm I have ever had. Yeah, there is more, of course. And I did reciprocate that night. I milked Ted to orgasm and watching him writhe in the bed and hearing him moan as I duplicated his own technique on him was so much fun. When he came and shot his jit I felt like I had conquered a stud! Ted and I connected many more times–like dozens more over the next year. We played all sorts of sex games and I loved it when he would strip me and slowly milk me in front of a mirror. I also did that to him. Eventually, we moved on to oral stuff and when he gave me a blow job the pleasure was more than I can ever explain. Eventually, he moved to another college and my family moved and we lost touch. I have not seen him in years but this is not bullshit. He gave me the best sexual pleasure I have ever had. And I really do think that the first time we played with each other, I really did become a man. It was the first time I felt totally masculine and whenever I was with him, that is how he made me feel. How cool is that?

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