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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Home
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

When I’d see my naked little body in the mirror every day I’d see a little boy. I am 4’ 8” tall, weigh around 72 pounds I had absolutely no body hair my skin was as soft as a babies, believe me I know. I had brown hair and green eyes and my penis, the most important part of my body was still the same size as any of my nine and old friends. We had compared several times, you know how that goes. As a result I always played the part of being nine or s old instead of old. I was as smart or smarter than any of them but too small to be a part of their groups. I found most kids my age teased me when they found out how old I was or they don’t believe me and don’t want anything to do with me. I simply didn’t feel accepted by them. I lived alone with my mommy who took real good care of me in our new home. She worried about me a lot because I was so small and played with younger kids. Luckily I went to school in another town because of her job. When she got this great promotion it meant she will have to be gone on short trips sometimes. My grandparents didn’t live close and being as small as I was she said I’ll need a babysitter. One of my worst fears was having my babysitter know how old I am and if the sitter is a girl not much older than me I couldn’t handle it if for any reason she found out. Kind of limits our choices but my mommy understands. She kept telling me some day I’ll start to grow. Well on her first three day trip we got lucky and found that my mommies’ co-workers’ son was living with his parents and going to a local college. His name is David he’s 1 s old, 6’ feet tall and was on the track team. Perfect I thought. My plan, to look as cute and little as my size indicates and all should go well. When David arrived I was dressed in one of my denim blue bibb overalls and no tee shirt. I had on some Tigger briefs and sandals. We ate the dinner my mommy fixed for us and David told me all about his school and track experiences. I loved him, he was awesome. Later we played some video games and then sat down to a movie he thought was appropriate for me and snacked on pop-corn. David asked me if I’d mind if he got comfortable and I said go ahead. He took off his pants and had boxers underneath. I got so aroused I decided to get comfortable too so I took off my overalls and sat on the couch in just my briefs. We watched an old Disney movie and as much as I liked it I had seen it a hundred times. I was falling asleep when David pulled me closer to him and put his arm around me. I liked being cute and little and feeling safe in his arms. So I stayed awake for the rest of the movie and told David I was going to take a bath before going to bed.

Like a little kid I wrapped myself around David as the movie came to an end. I had an arm around his neck and one leg draped across his bare legs. With such close contact my tiny penis was pressed up against his leg. I was certain he could see the small bulge in my briefs and I was happy that he did not try to push me away. Finally he said OK kiddo I’ll carry you to the bathroom and give you a bath. I jumped into his arms and smiled with delight, not just because I was trying to look cute this time but because it felt so good to have an adult male who really cared for me taking care of me. I really miss my daddy a lot. As soon as he started the water I took off my Tigger briefs and stood next to him completely naked. I took his hand in mine then David picked me up and put me in the bathtub, and he offered to wash me. This was great I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I stood up and David soaped me up and used his bare hands which were sizeably large to wash me. He was extra gentle as his left hand was caressing my bottom and his right hand washing my tiny penis and balls. I thought I was going to explode like when I’d masturbate myself. I couldn’t help getting a boner. It got David’s attention too as it blossomed in his hand and he looked at it and asked if I wanted him to do something about it. Oh yes I said please smiling, I was totally surprised and very excited. I never expected this but didn’t want to say no. David rinsed me off, dried me and carried me to my room where he lade me on my bed and sat down next to me. My little penis was still sitting straight up.

Again David asked if he could get comfortable and I said yes in that squeaky little excited boys voice of mine. He took his boxers off and tee shirt and started running his fingers all over me. It felt wonderful I never thought it could be like this. However for a 19 old 6 feet tall David was not very big himself. A slight build with great muscle tone, David had a smooth almost hairless body. And when I saw his erected penis for the first time I expected a whole lot more, he couldn’t have been any bigger than 5 inches. I was delighted. I spread my legs and closed my eyes. The only draw back was that he was going to know I wasn’t a little old because I was just about to drop what I knew was going to be a very small load of cum in his hand. David’s hand was covering my tiny penis and he was massaging it with the palm of his hand in a slow circular motion. I had a smile on my face and I was quivering all over then I arched my back pushing my little penis into his hand and shot my load such as it was. It was the most intense ejaculation of my young life and I had never shot so much cum before. When I opened my eyes David had a huge grin on his face and commented how he was able to shoot small loads just like me when he was young. Something told me he knew. I hoped if he liked me he would want to babysit me as often as he could and that’s when I told him the truth. David looked me in the eyes and said he thought so. But it didn’t matter to him he like me for who I was he said. I probably clinched the deal when he let me jack him off. I savored every moment as I slowly pumped his beautiful smooth penis up and down for what seemed like over five minutes. It proved to be quite a tease but when he shot his load the intensity of his ejaculation was so fierce his cum spewed out all over the bed and all over me when I aimed his penis at my face. David was magnificent to say the least. That night we fell asleep curled up together all warm and naked. I had one leg draped over his, my tiny penis pressed against his thigh and I had my hand on top of his. We slept like babies.

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