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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Friend's Garage
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My girfriend and I were about a week away from breaking up. I could tell as she’d been avoiding my phone calls for a number of days and it was Friday night, we always had our weekend plans figured out by Wednesday. With nothing to do I was figuring on staying in for the night when my buddy Mike called around six o’clock, Mike was single and had no plans so we decided to criuse around town and see what was happening, maybe we could find ourselves a little trouble. Heading over to our friend Steve’s house in my beat up Chevy we came across a couple of sophomores we knew just walking down Elm street. Janice and Mellisa were their names. Melisa was a gymnast and Janice could have easily been one if she had wanted to, she had the body for it but came from a broken home and her mom just couldn’t afford it. We shot the shit with them for a bit, all the while I’m flirting with Janice and she was responding. Nothing seemed to be coming of any of this so we said “later” and headed over to Steve’s. He was the kind of guy that knew where the party was even if he wasn’t planning on going. After a half an hour of chatting with Steve it was clear that he had a date and nothing was going on around town that night so we decided to see if we could find Melisa and Janice again. I jokingly said on the way out the door, “we’re going to go and see if I can nail Janice.” Little did I know, where this night was headed.
After criusing elm street for a bit we came across the girls and asked if the wanted to take a ride down to this new development that they were building in town and check out our friend’s new house. They agreed and we were off. We got their and separated pretty quickly. Janice and I headed for the garage and Mike and Mellisa headed for what was to become the living room once the house was finished. It didn’t take long before Janice and I were making out pretty heavy on the picnic table in the garage. She was clearly interested in taking things further. I had a girlfriend but also knew that chances to lose your virginity to a hot almost gymanst don’t come along all that often. I decieded to go for it. I slip her pants down slowly.
She says “what are you doing?”
My resonse,” Taking your pants off, why?”
“Okay,” she said, and I’m thinking ‘well alright here we go!’ when Melissa and Mike come wandering into the garage to see what we were up to.
After some scrambling to get her pants back on before Mike and Mellisa got over to where we were I was able to make it clear to Mike that he needed to get Mellisa out of the way for a bit because I had some potential action about to happen and could do without the interuptions. He eventually got the hint and asked Mellisa if she wanted to walk up to one of our other friend’s new houses that was being built just down the road. She agreed and they headed off. I sugested to Janice that we go up to the upstairs of above the garage where we might not be interupted. and she agreed.
We made our way upstairs, kissing and fondling each other the whole way. Once we got to the room I layed her down and we made out fot a little while. I wasn’t sure if I should be as bold as I had been earlier and was having my doubts when she said, “well are we gonna fuck or not?”
Next thing I knew she’s unbuttoning my pants and grabbing my junk. I wasted no time and began to take her clothes off as quickly as I could. It was a little dark but I can tell you she had one hell of a body. Smooth soft skin and smelled like she was ready to get it on. I got on top and slid my cock into her very wet very tight pussy. It felt amazing, as I moved in and out of her warm wet hole she moned and thust her hips. Clearly this wasn’t her first time and I was feeling great. I had to stop so I wouldn’t blow my load to early. I kissed her a bit and asked her if she wantd to get on top, it had always been a wet dream of mine to have the girl on top, she agreed and we changed positions. With her riding me I got a much better view and was able to feel her tits and ass as we fucked for about another five minutes or so. She said, “let me know when you’re gonna cum,” and I’m thinking no probelem because she doesn’t want to get pregnant so I agreed.
In about five more minutes I’m about to blow and I said, “I’m gonna cum!” Next thing I know she’s off my cock and sucking the cum out of me like a porn star. It was the most amazing feeling.
About a week later my girlfriend and I broke up and I had a few more fun nights with Janice befor eht esummer came to an end and we all just moved on but what a way to lose your virginity!

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