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David & Pauline

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Canle lit room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

With a whore named Pauline who i had picked up freom a local night club.
Went to her house. I then went to the loo to pee, only to come back and find her on the bed stack naked. i removed all my clothes put on double condom and went on top of her squeezing her breasts. She guied my penis into her virhina and i felt this warm thing becoz i think she got a kid it was easy.i felt the contactions when moving in and out i did want to sound like a first timer so i pummped hard. i guess she was use to it, she only closed her eyes and smoothered my chest. ifelt i was riding a horse. AAn i cummed. removed the platisc and put on another one she strocked it and HE nbecame hard. the whole night and i had to go to worki the morning , lucky i had my suit. There were seven pairs of condoms on the floor that mornong i did know i was a cum machine.

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