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David S.

Age when it happend: 22
Where it happened: Lake Tahoe
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

This was 22 years ago and I was driving from California to Massachussetts to visit family for the summer after getting my BA. In Salt Lake City I was sleeping in my car at a Denny’s near the Mormon Temple (to save money on the room) and I got up in the morning and had breakfast and when I came out this cute blond girl was outside bumming money. She said it was for bus fare to Chicago. I invited her to come with me since I was going through Chicago anyway and I got a beautiful smile for my trouble and five minutes later we were on our way. Her name was Renee and her story was that of the proverbial broken family and she was headed to see her grandparents in Evanston to escape.
We made it to Ogallala, Nebraska that night before I called it a day and rented a room for the night. I told Renee she could sleep in the room or the car and it was her choice. She chose the room. Being 22 at the time I got dinner at McDonald’s and got a 12-pack of dessert to go with it. Renee had never had beer before and she went to it with gusto and downed seven of them to my three. When she started passing out I told her to go to the bathroom before she passed out and she did and then came back to the bed and asked me where she should sleep and I said the bed was fine. She blew my mind and stood up and shucked her pants and shirt and then undid her bra and got into the bed and I just sat there slackjawed at the sight of my first naked (enough) girl.
It didn’t take long for me to get down to my boxers and then I was in bed, too. For a long while I was afraid to touch her and then I just lightly touched her shoulder and she didn’t respond so I scooted up to her and held her and it was so magical to me. She was so warm and soft. My dick was already hard, but when I braved a caress of her tits it could have driven a nail through a oak plank.
I went for it.
Her panties came off pretty easy and then my shorts were off too. She mumbled something as I rolled her on her back and got between her legs. It took me a bit to figure out where everything was supposed to go but once I did it was just a few strokes and I was balls deep in my very first pussy. I didn’t last long before I came in her and then it wasn’t long before I was hard again and enjoying her wonderful body. The third time I was going at it with her I kissed her and she kissed me back and stirred enough from her drunk to get into it with me. It was after this that I rolled off and went to sleep.
Come the morning I gently rolled her onto her back again and got on and slipped into her real easy. She kissed me back when I kissed her and as I came in her she really woke up and she called me a few names for taking her virginity but she didn’t complain when I just kept fucking her. We finally rolled out around 11am after getting something to eat and then it was Davenport, Iowa where we ended up for the night.
Again it was the motel room except this time she was very willing as we did it all night.
When we got to Evanston the next day I met her grandmother who chastised Renee for being out hitchiking at only fifteen years old! Renee kept our lovemaking a secret and we wrote for the three years and then she came to see me in Florida after she was 18 and we picked up where we left off and three months later she was pregnant and we were married. And we still are.

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