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Dean Bagaslao

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: dorm
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I had always been shy in high school and never had alot of self confidnece and the most I had ever done was just dated girls. When i went to college i noticed a cute little blonde from class and began to take interest in her. I started talking to her online and after awhile got the hint that she liked me and so I took her out and we wound up making out in her room that night. After about a month or two of this we had done everything except have sex. (I never went down on her becuase I didnt like the smell too much, my saying is if its not on your plate, dont eat it.) I would finger her however but she never got off from it. We had talked about sex before and she said she wanted to do it before she got married (what if you marry someone and they suck in bed?) but she just wanted it to be right, but she hinted that it a definte possibility. When we came back from Christmas break everything was back to normal and one night when we were messing around and i was fingering her and she was starting to get really worked up when all of a sudden she told me to stop. I thought this was because she was getting sore but she said “I want you”. I asked her if she meant sex and she said yes. She was already on the pill because it helped her control her cycle and she knew she wanted to have sex but we thought we should use a condom anyway. I put it on and positioned my self on top of her. Once i was lined up she grabbed ahold of me and said “push”. She is a small girl and I thought it might hurt her so I went in slow and she just moaned. I began to pick up the pace and she started to moan very heavily until she came, I was happy because it was the first time she had had an orgasm from a guy. After that I pulled out and we just fell asleep. (Beleive it or not I didnt even get off the first time.) We only had sex every couple of days after that because she was sore but after a while we stoped using condoms because she was on the pill and we had only slept with each other. After that we started having sex in the shower, the car, even the stairwell of the building we had classes in. Its wierd that i didnt get off the first time i had sex but now we both dont last more than a few mins once i go in her, but its all good because we both get off. i havent seen her this summer because she lives so far away but things will hopefully be the same when we get back to school. Some people regret having sex or didnt like their first time, but it was great for both of us and i’m glad i did it.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience