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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: hot tub
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was a sophomore in high school I had a girlfriend that I wasn’t into very much. We didn’t have sex though as i have come to believe now it wouldn’t have made much difference to me if we had. She was a nice girl though, we broke up around the early December / late November of my sophomore year, she was a senior at the time. This was well after i had started to lie about my name and age on a regular basis, and though she knew my real name and age, I was not beyond lying about it towards everyone else i met. Constantly i was tired of being a virgin, but only for the sake of having been one. The following March, my family and i went up to a ski resort in Colorado for a week or so that turned out to also be a spring break for colleges. There were plenty of people there and plenty of bars but at the time, being only 16 and without a fake ID, i was severely hampered in the pursuit of alcohol. So i took to bumming cigarettes for my step brother because at the time i didn’t smoke but he did. One night i went out alone and talked to people outside of some bars in the middle of the night which i would find to be a source of much interest in my future tours of city scenes. In truth, i met a girl that night who was pretty cute. she was from a plausible sounding city but placed it in the wrong state, which later turned out to be completely plausible as there is more than one Pittsburgh in the US. I talked to her and as the bar crowd roamed out there was always one guy who would try to take the conversation away from me, eventually people just started to figure that we were together and i went with it knowing that nothing was going to happen. The lie is that we fucked and i could spin you a yarn about it, but because it’s not something that actually happened it would only be dubiously bland and uninteresting, all i can tell you is that she was blonde, petite and pretty. She eventually started giving out another name that was her sisters which had me enamored with her. Eventually she left and i walked back up to my lodge about a mile or two in the freezing cold in the middle of the night at a very high altitude, which was a lot more fun than it sounds when you’re in shape for it. When i had returned to my home on the eastern seaboard (NJ) i told people i lost my virginity in a one night stand. it was something i was proud of to a point because above all it made my ex insanely jealous. over the summer two things happened, i moved to PA and i started dating my ex’s friend. which began the second of four relationships i began based mostly on pretending to feel love. skip ahead a bit to my prom at my highschool, i took her (ex’s friend) and we had plenty of fun, people were jealous of her which i learned from friends in the school later on. the day after we hung out at my house. we started in my hot tub, which was only rather visible from windows in the house, we sat together in a more invisible corner and made out for ages, pausing whenever someone came outside. eventually things went from first to third amidst the bubbles that concealed any chance of our nethers being sighted by an outsider. my fingers slipped in and out through her holes, i played with whatever i wanted to on her and she loved it, she stroked my dick, we made out more. eventually i took out a condom (it was wrapped) and put it on, she slid her pussy onto it and moved herself up and down. i couldn’t feel anything and i didn’t have an orgasm, essentially everything stopped there. the expression on her face turned to an awkward play that she would later tell me was because i was big. i didn’t really believe her (too much horse porn, don’t judge). we eventually stopped for the chance of a voyeur spoiling it as my mom had been coming out regularly to make sure we weren’t doing anything at all. i removed the condom to see that it had broken. i was unphased, as i didn’t come and i’m pretty sure that any chance of me becoming aroused enough to emit pre-ejaculate had died when she mounted me. i was only vaguely aware of her interacting with it at all. because of that it took me about a month to realise that the lie i had been telling for a year, even to this girl finally had a shred of truth to it. and that killed the joy of the act all together for me. i had told this lie to everyone that were of any impact on it. It did not leave me sad, it did not leave me happy, it was merely something that had happened to me one day in my hot tub. As i think about it now i vaguely recall the girl that i had proclaimed to have had sex with, how she lied to other people to maintain a conversation with me. i led myself to believe that it was because she felt safe enough with me to dispose of others that may have caused her harm and i laugh at how wrong she was when i realise my own startling premises of detachment from anything human.

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