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December 13th

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: In the guys apartment.
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well, I met this guy during the fall semseter. We had two classes together and he began to talk to me. Soon we started to hang out together. I had never done certain things like going to the club and have sex, amongst other things. He introduced me to that life. At first it was just a trip to the movies or going out to the club. We were just friends and remained that way throughout that time period we were engaged in certain activities. After a few outings, we went to his apartment and we had a few drinks and played some guitar. One night at the club, he kissed me. That same night we went back to his apartment and we messed around. We did this one or two more times. The following session, we went all the way. He was patient with me and made it as comfortable as possible. I remember it almost as if it was yesterday. We came into his room and I got on his bed. He thought we were just going to mess around since he knew I was a virgin. He turned off the lights. Usually, we never fully took our clothes off. That time, I did, so when he got into bed, he was suprised and I guess he thought of it as an invitation if you know what I mean. There was not much foreplay. I sucked his dick and he licked my neck. He then got on top of me and proceeded to stick it in. I was a bit suprised at first since I wasn’t planning on doing that but then I went, “What the heck? I’m 18,” so I let him start pushing. It was not the best feeling, I’ll be honest, but it’s not a horrible pain. He took it slowly too. For some, that might help like it did for me and for others, it might just prolong the pain and discomfort. I remember he kept asking if I was okay, that I could bite down on his shoulder, and just different things to make it better. After what seemed like a half an hour had gone by, which probably did, I felt him go in. It was a nice feeling. It was a bit painful, though more like a numb pain, but it was… fulfilling. I didn’t get an orgasm (still haven’t after a year and 3 guys, including my first) but sex, as I found out, was a missing part of me. There is some truth to “Getting you fix” or “You need to get laid.” Sex is the best thing ever. The feel of a guys hardness just slidding in and out of me drives me to the extreme. Like a psychological climax. I love seeing a man so weak when he cums. His pleasure is mine. I love sucking him dry. Good Lord, sex is the best thing to happen to humanity. Too bad for STDs, which my first gave to me. Got the human papilomavirus (cervical cancer trigger). My advice to you, get your partner checked and wear a condom. Forget abstinence. You only live once. Take advantage of life’s sweet pleasures. This is coming from a girl who’s been a victim of incest and attempted rape when I was only a child. Keep your eyes open. Don’t let yourself be blinded by men who just want you V. Your instincts will tell you if a guy is sincere. I know my friend was and that’s why I had no problem with giving it up to him. So stay alert, wrap it up, and be safe. No babies! Good luck….

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