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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: In a car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

Well, if you count the first time I came, it was about 2 weeks before my boyfriend and I had sex.

His best friend was dating a hooker. Needless to say, we all spent time together and I’ve always been naturally nosy. So I would ask her about her “work” and she was always open and honest. She also knew I was a virgin.

So one night, we were talking while the guys were shooting pool and she asked if I wanted to know what was going to happen. She said that most girls panicked more from what they were feeling than what was happening. She reached up my skirt and rubbed my pussy through my panties. I could feel myself getting wet. She pushed the crotch of my paties to the side for better access.

She rubbed my clit, slowly at first and then harder. My breathing became rapid and shallow and she then inserted them into my slit and fingered me. She talked to me soothingly the whole time telling me that what I felt was natural and to not be afraid of it. I came on her hand.

It wasn’t scary at all. She told me other things about what to expect with a guy. The initial pain and all that. She asked if I was interested in oral sex and offered to either perform it on me or let me watch her do it on her boyfriend. I declined both.

Two weeks later, my boyfriend asked if I was ready to take the physical part of our relationship to the next level. It was great. I was nervous at first but let myself go with the physical and emotional aspects. We did it twice and it was protected sex, even back then.

After, I told him about my orientation. That got him excited and we did it again. She told a couple of days later that he thanked her profusely.

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