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Desmond with Dreadlocks

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: neighbor's back yard
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I’m 17 and live with my parents in this very integrated, gated community in Florida. About 4 months ago, a black family moved in next door. The Father is a college professor and the Mother is a lawyer. Their son, Desmond, who is 19, is the Center on the local college basketball team. He is very black, has the nicest smile, great body and he has these long dreadlocks that are very popular with African-Americans these days. I met Desmond the first week they moved in, and we became good friends almost instantly. A couple of months after Desmond moved in next door, my folks were gone for the evening, and so were his. He saw me sitting in the backyard, and invited me over for a swim in their pool. It was a hot July night so I accepted. I slipped into my red bikini, and went over. He was wearing a pair of Speedos –white with a black stripe. We swam for awhile. Then we sort of came together at one end of the pool. He smiled broadly at me and said,rather matterof-factly, “Would you like to fuck?” I was surprised, but was intrigued at the thought. And then I thought, “Why not? This has to happen sometime, Why not now with this gorgeous black boy”. It ended up being the first time we did it, with me at the edge of the pool, minus my suit, and Desmond’s 9″ penis pushing steadily and rythmically into my body, guarded by a thin lamb skin condom, and his beautiful dreadlocks swaying back and forth to the motion of our bodies.I could feel the release of his warm sperm into the condom, and secretly wished he was filling me with it.It was the most heavenly feeling I’d ever experienced. We kept at it for at least a half hour or more, and then just laid there, naked, in the heat of the night, on the cool grass, before doing it once again!

We’ve done it about 6 times since then.Just good, satisfying sex. Twice, right in the pool (minus the condom), three times against the big tree in their back yard, and once in my bed. I’m not sure yet, if it’s love, but we are definitely attracted to each other sexually, and I love it when he’;s inside me, making love to me.

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