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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Principal office
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

One day, In Class it was my third day to forget homework. The teacher got really angry as she had warned me previous to this that if i had forgot my homework again she would send me to the principal. So off i went on my nervous journey to the principals office. I knocked on the door nervously and an answer came ‘Come in’ i stepped inside and took a seat opposite him. “Why are you here?” He asked in a serious voice. I replied “I forgot my homework for the third time.” He stared at me “Well you know thats not on miss watson. You do know that detention doesnt look good on your report, and it tells me here that your planning to go to Harvard.” He said. I looked at him, my eyes watering. “I know.” I replied. As i was crying, i looked up and saw him stare at me with a glint in his eyes. He got up quickly and walked over to the door, turning the key. He then turned around, his back to the door. “Well….i have a compromise.” He said, a smirk on his face. “Anyhing” I mumbled. He walked over slowly, his hands resting on my shoulders. I stared infront not daring to look back and see that glint in his eyes again. He leaned down, his hot breath tickling my neck. He brushed his lips up to my ear, nibbling gently. “Anything?” He whispered softly. I sat there frozen to the spot, and then just nodded slowly. He spun my chair around so that now i was facing him. I suddenly felt aware of how short my school skirt really was. I could feel his hand gliding up my inner thigh, under my skirt. His cracked lips were suddenly pressed roughly to mine, and his long tongie invaded my mouth, almost battling with my tongue, I got the sudden taste of sour cream and onion pringles. He roughly started to pop open the buttons of my school shirt, his hand groping at my breasts. He removed my bra in one foul swoop. I gasped as his wrinkled fingers teased my nipples. I suddenly felt his hard on pressing against my thigh, i knew it was wrong but i suddenly felt aroused. I slowly rose my hand to his belt and unbuckled it nervously, my fingers fumbling at the loops. He lifted me onto the desk and fumbled in the drawer and picked up condom. He pulled his zip down, to reveal his Spongebob square pants boxers. The next thing i knew, he thrusted himself into my tight pussy. A loud scream fell from my lips as i felt myself tighten around his thick dick. “P-please stop.” I whispered frantically, his hands pinning my shoulders down, still thrusting roughly into me. After a minute, the pain subsided and a sudden burst of pleasure rippled through my body. After that day, i got dentention many many times….

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