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Didn’t want it but had to change my mind.

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Under the guy
Langauge: American
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was young living on the edge. My breast were always almost falling out. My shirts were short . I was quick with insults and invincible . I pushed my way around school . I was 135 pounds of terror . All the girls and some of the boys were afraid of me ,the 13 year old tough girl with the motor scooter. I hit my share of people with my fingerless leather gloves. I was a serious bully! Then the day came I picked on the wrong guy. I was going commando under my skirt. My push up bra had my tits all squished up in you face. Get outa here he said. I jumped on his picnick table and mooned him. That’s enough he said. It’s only enough when I say I told him. People scattered they knew me. I was looking for a fight and he looked perfect . He was well dressed like a business man. His perfect hair was combed down the middle. His glasses half down his nose and I slapped them to the floor. I’m a junior at Public school 117 and I’m not allowed to touch girls my father says. I mocked him saying his exact words. I lifted my skirt flashed him from the front and told him he was more of a pussy than I was. I grabbed his sandwhich and took a bite the threw the sandwhich on his nice white shirt. He jumped up angry then calmed down with a deep breath. I promised I would keep this shirt clean he said picking up his glasses. I went postal and started Kung Fu on him. In dress shoes and dress pants he blocked many of my strikes. I got angry and grabbed an antenna off a car. He rolled up his sleves . I think dad will under stand if I hit you now. Was the last thing he said . I had taken many a guy down with out an antenna. I was quick and hit hard. I jumped , some where mid air he moved like lightning flipping the end of the pick nick table in my face. Wham I was face first in the wood. In two seconds my hands were behind my back and he was sitting on my head. He asked for shoe laces and hog tied me right there. Sorry everyone I don’t normally treat a lady this way. She ain’t no lady some one said. Where is the local police station he asked throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me off as they clapped. F – you I said over and over. I have had enough he said and threw me in a bush. Ow ow ow it was terrible. F- you I said some more . Then he said stop and threw me in the creek . It was so cold and I was still hog tied my face was under water and it was only a foot deep. I sucked in the dirty water . When I woke up the boy was giving me mouth to mouth . I at last took a deep breath of clean air . I was in his house. I thought you were dead and I was wondering what to do with you. He dropped me in an empty tub and turned the shower on . I was freezing and muddy. He took my boots off then all my clothing . Then he put shampoo in my hair as I sat bare assed in the tub . My arms were scratched from the bush and the creek. Like a zombie I sat there my face swollen from the pick nick table, and he washed me. I needed cleaned up. He dried me off and I stood there naked all beat up . Then came the antiseptic. Here and there. Then bandaids here and there. I’m glad you started breathing he said. I sorta grinned and coughed ,then said F-you! I didn’t mean it really , I just said it a lot when I didn’t know what to say. Ok it’s your call he said. He led me. 10 steps to a bed and pull the blankets back. I felt like sh– and he was siting me on the bed. You should know I probably won’t be very good at this. My cousin taught me how a couple times but that was back when I was twelve and I haven’t had any practice since. I figure he was seventeen but I never knew. There I was fat lipped bandaids every where laying back putting my knees up. He kept talking in that hillbilly way. He was undressing as he talked. He was built like a body builder. Guess I deserve something for saving your life, after I almost killed you, after you attacked me that is. Been a hell of a day he said as he climbed between my legs . He felt me over , played with my nipples. Then came the fingers down there . I had masturbated every day but internal was no thrill for me so I mostly left it alone. Ooch that hurt I said . Get out that was only one finger , then he got all excited and loud . You got a cherry , no way a tough girl like you never been porked . He used his finger to get a better look. The barn door is closed tight haha I got me a genuine virgin pussy to pop. It’s gonna hurt you like hell. When I popped my cousin she cried a good long time , course she was younger than you like she was 13. I’m thirteen I said . Naw your at least 18 and out a school. A course you being all tough you won’t cry at all. Your not making me feel better, I said. Let’s just see how it feels . He was well armed with a good 6 incher. The getting popped wasn’t fun just a sharp pain like cutting your hand. What hurt was getting stretched out inside. It took me twenty minutes . Eventually he fit all the way . It was never not painful that first time. He helped me to the bathroom I was still sore from being tossed all tide up in to the bush and creek. He changed the sheets cause I kept bleeding for a while. I woke up to him putting ice on my swollen lips. He kissed me on the lips. We made love and he was very tender and it was so enjoyable now that he fit in side me . I liked it but no orgasm. I walked out in his sisters clothes with a new attitude. I think of that farm boy quite often

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