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Different race same love

Age when it happend: 33
Where it happened: Hilton gardens hotel
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I was on a business trip in Asia . Everything including Sex is for sale everywhere. I went in country away from the city and that’s where I would work for three months. Being different everyone knew you had money. They are all poor in money any way. I slept on a thin mattress in a house built on stilts. Every evening people came . Take my sister my wife she like you. I always refused even though I was tempted. Where I worked this one girl wore the same dirty dress every day. She only ate fruit From the trees and what was left from cafè shops . She looked sad. I asked and no one understood her language. Feeling compassion I paid a young boy to follow her. He told me the story she lived with a old woman who died . She now crawls under a house and sleeps there. He took me there and she looked around making sure she was not followed and crawled under. I went after her and gave her a loaf of bread. The boy grabbed her things and wrapped them in her blanket and put her on my motorcycle . She was full of lice and now so was I. I purchased lice  spray and out side my room I sprayed her down she understood . I sprayed her things  me and the cycle seat made of sheep wool and we waited the appointed hour. I walked her to the creek with a bar of soap and a towel. With her wearing her dress she walked up to her  middle and stood there. She refused to wash so I  washed her in the creek and i took off her dress which was too small as she stood there giving her privacy of the water. In ten minutes it was the cleanest I had ever seen it . I shampooed her hair  which was long and I combed nits out for 6 hours. I was guessing she was eight or nine years old but later we found she was fourteen . She was hungry some but not starving because of the abundance of fruit the country provided . We stopped and she squatted by the road and her stool had movement. So then I  wormed her and  it was horrible . She was full of worms. By law we went back and we set the stool on fire with gasoline. She slept under my house on a hammock but wild animals made that dangerous . One evening she was jabbering away and pointing . This man was of her tribe a PogYaw,and with three people  to help they translated to me , we learned her story her age and the name limb Wa is the phonetic equivalent. She had heard that people like me were cannibals .and we only came to her country to eat  the PogYaw people of her tribe. Well I was just a Black business man in Asia . She was so happy . I learned that I could find her tribe on the hill and hour drive away . I drove there on my cycle and they treated her like she was Poison . They asked me when I was going to eat her. From then on she never left my side . If she wasn’t holding my hand she was holding my pocket. She was so small 60 pounds and 4 foot 4 inches. I made her repeat everything I said all day and she was learning english. I had some one make her clothing and bought her panties. She had never worn panties. I took her to the city and she was scared and never let me out of her sight. She saw her first western toilet and I had to show her how to use it . People didn’t like her because of her race. As a black American this was one of my buttons.  Store keepers would show me their big pot and motion for me to eat her. We made a game out of it by carrying a plastic display of carrots and Limwhaw carried a plastic potato. She would stand in the pot making the pot unclean and I would give her the plastic displays which she would hold on her head and I would take a photo getting the store owner in when possible. It was cruel but the store owners learned their lesson. Hotel night they  thought she was my companion because I was black, they offered me sexual upgrades with local girls and told Limwhaw to sleep in the garbage  heap behind the hotel. Open hotels with no doors just beads on strings you pay for one bed and they are small. They did not allow for floor blankets and there was no more beds in town. Limwhaw slept or tried to sleep on my feet . I am already too tall for the bed being over six foot. It was obvious neither of us were sleeping so I lifted my sheet and Limwhaw crawled in with me. I wrapped her in my arms and we eventually slept some. I went to the US consulate and inquired about papers as I was wondering if I could bring this girl home. This people group had no papers and no passports had ever been issued for these people from any country. They being nomadic had no official country as they are considered non citizens. No one knew if any people of this tribe had ever owned land. These people were considered tasty food in ancient times and they were sold to cannibal  travelers as food. Many Childrens books had stories of a local cannibal village saved from starvation by finding one of these small people. How beastly I thought. I’m not making it up the American worker said. These people are like sheep or cattle in this country . I asked him to Call the states and see what can be done . Maybe there is a refugee status . If I leave this girl she will never progress ,if what you tell me is true. I was due for a malaria blood test and I decided the girl needed a physical while I was at the hospital. They refused her and I found a doctor who I paid on the side who checked her out. Limwhaw had a regional lung problem which was curable with a local medicine and other than that she was healthy. I decided to spring for immunization and vaccine shots so she could travel if a passport could ever be created. Because of the shots Limwhaw   had a fever and I spent the next day just holding her and keeping her cool. This is where I fell in love with the little girl and realized she was a gift to me. Here I am a 30 year old black American holding a little girl no bigger than a ten year old . No one cared for her  but me. Her hands were so small she was so fragile in structure. The next morning she was feeling better and wide awake from so much rest. She dragged me by the hand to the market and purchased a arm load of food and a sterno. We cooked in aluminum foil right on the curb by the park. I never saw her eat so well. Back at the hotel we had two hours before check out. It was late morning and the water was off . While I packed my backpack Limwhaw had disappeared then she came back with a bucket of water she drew from a well that was as big as she was. Men were working on the plumbing so she took the bucket to the room looked at me and jabbered in her language like I could under stand. She told me in sign language she wanted me to pour cups of water on her head  with my eyes closed.   she filled a plastic grocery bag with water and gave me a cup.
The she turned me around stood in the remaining water and washed herself. Jabbering to me I turned around eyes closed and she was yes No No yes No No No she was angry and I was trying to get the cup in the bag and pour the water on her head with my eyes closed .No No No finally she yelled open open so I peeked one eye open and she was pointing to the bag all covered in shampoo and no rinse water had hit her yet. I burst out laughing and just opened both eyes. She was angry but then started laughing with me. So I just slowly poured the rinse on her one cup at a time . Looking at her it was evident she was not a ten year old. Her look back at me was different too. She was trying to read my mind as she rinsed she pulled her long hair to the front and it covered her small breast she turned and pointed to her back I poured a cup of water  to rinse the final soap off and dumped the little bit left in the bag on her head. She twisted her hair to ring the water exposing her breast fully looking at me looking at them. I got a call for another job still in the country and we started the 10 hour drive to there. Limwhaw held me close and lay her head on my back . I was soon tired on the terrible road and had to stop and rest under a tree. I heard a fight as Limwhaw was protecting my motorcycle from thieves. When they saw I was black and much taller than them they all ran away. Limwhaw wanted to drive so I tossed her the keys. She did a small loop and patted the back seat . She was jabbering and I took it as her saying you are a big man. A few miles in to the countryside she stopped and made me scoot closer and she leaned back . She was 60 pounds and I am 215 pounds and she rode me and had great balance on my motorcycle. I admit I was stimulated because we were so close . Some where there was a dress code  border and Limwhaw stopped and we purchased a scarf which she covered her face and head. Just out of town we stopped to eat from a fruit tree . All women here wore scarves. Limwhaw called a woman to translate for me. Limwhaw was bilingual . I paid the lady and she translated for three hours. Limwhaw warned me to not hold my hand . And if I touched her they would cut off my hand because she was untouchable . She had to sit side ways on the cycle back seat only. We must sleep outside of the city every night and we must leave before dark for my safety. We entered the small city and set up my job. I was given a hotel but when I showed up with limwhaw they had no room for her and none for me if she was with me. We drove and purchased a blanket and sheets and drove out of the city in to a wooded area. I made a Makeshift tent attached to the bike and we slept. Early before sunrise the sheet over us was pulled back by men with clubs . Only I woke and the men saw that we were fully clothed so they backed up put their hands together and bowed. They helped restore the tent and left. Had I had an arm around her maybe they would of beat us. If we were unclothed they may have killed us for bringing sin to their city. In ten days we had finished and Limwhaw had taken English lessons since she spoke the local language. We stopped at a local store and she asked for money and I said I’ll buy. No she said many times. Then she covered her face with the scarf and I followed and she put feminine pads in my hand. Then I said No you buy and she refused the money and crossed her arms. Did I feel like a fool buying them and the lady taking money saw the argument and laughed at me. Black American ha ha. A week passed and we were in a new city and it was very congested . Dust and motor fumes we covered our mouths but our eyes were red from the pollution .  I rented a nice room with air-conditioning and we were sore from riding in the heavy traffic. There was a nice tub and I drew a bath and limwhaw carried our things in and she saw a hose and was washing the cycle because it was so dirty. I lay out my cloths on the bed and smiled looking from the balcony as she did a great job cleaning the cycle. I stepped in to the deep tub it was so nice and hot and relaxing I fell asleep. Hours later I woke up the water was cold and I got out. Limwhaw jabbered and ran in closed the door and came out scolding me much time hard to wait. I guess she had to P. So I ran a hot bath for her. And shaved as it filled. She looked and I held her hand in the water changing temperature. She said no , I said yes. I finished shaving and prepped the sink and started washing my dirty shirt and my underwear from my backpack. Limwhaw  walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I opened the door and grabbed her clothes and washed them in the sink. I pushed the door open and watched her wash as I washed clothes  . She didn’t hide her self. It turned me on. I finished and she was getting out . I waved her to sit back in the tub and walked in looking at her skinny body. I soaped up a wash rag and leaned her forward and washed her back. Then I rinsed her back. I took a towel from the rack and she stood up to take it. No I said and I dried her off and I was sexually excited by doing it. I picked her up in one arm like a baby. Her legs wrapped around me. I looked in her eyes she was in wonder. With a hand on her rump I held her naked in my arms. I was  shirtless .we just stood there . I rubbed my hand up and down her back . Her hand she placed on my chest. We were so different . She was so small and light. I was covered in body hair .Her skin was almond and mine was dark.  Her eyes were hazel mine were light brown. Her sandal was size 3 my shoe was size 14. She touched my clean shaven face. I set her down. It took all my will power to not take advantage of the situation. I pulled a clean T shirt from my back pack and pulled it over her head . It had been a while since my girlfriend of 8 years left me . What was I thinking I’m 30 she is 14 . I brushed her hair and braided it placed her in bed locked the door and left to cool off. The Hotel had a bar and so I had a couple local beers which were terrible but had lots of kick. Evening came with the pimps and prostitutes. This girl fity dalla  this girl hunded dalla. You like?  I have PogYaw girl in my room. She not for Love she for stew  said the pimp. She no big for dinner only light breakfast said the prostitute. My tit bigger than her she added. These people made me angry so I went back to my room. I opened the door and Limwhaw had my papers on the bed . This pass?  Yes that is my passport. Passport go home? She added. Yes home. You home now. No go Home any more Please. She tossed my passport in the trash and ran to me and hugged me . No go home . Home now . My heart was broken and I broke down. We pulled down the sheets and I let her sleep in my arms but neither of us slept. She spooned in my arms and purposely pulled up the T shirt and placed my hand on her bare chest with her hand on mine she made me squeeze her breast. How I didn’t go all the way that night is beyond me. In the morning I was in the bed alone and Limwhaw was dressed . You could tell she pressed her things. I got out of bed and she had my things pressed too. Even my boxers. Limwhaw pulled my arm and then she pulled the sheets off. There was my morning bone hard erection. I didn’t cover my self I just let her look. She stepped closer. Eyes wide open. Tall people have big feet and big love makers. It’s a proportion thing. She looked side ways at it . Then she held up two hands like she was telling me about a fish. I couldn’t hold it any longer I went to the bathroom. We left and she kept showing me how big I was with her hands. I called the consulate and they asked me to come in. I showed them the shot record and they agreed I could get a passport for her if I adopted her. It would cost a bunch of money. I was short but we started the paperwork any way. We took her picture and she got an ID card . I had a job in another country and set her up for more English classes when I was gone. I got her a room next to the consulate and she checked with them every day. When I came back the consulate gave me her passport and she was officially adopted. They asked for no more money from me. I purchased new western clothes and even an A cup bra for her . Limwhaw was so excited. I got my tickets and we were off to  SanFrancisco then a week later Chicago or home. Landing in San Francisco and passing customs took a long time. The adoption papers and the fact that her tribe has no records or translators any where outside her country. She didn’t want to sleep she just wanted to see the city. We were everywhere. The cool night air and cold ocean were strange to her. The different people groups were strange also. Her English improved everyday and she only spoke English . I wished she would shut up, but it was nice to see her so happy.  I purchased her coats and scarves and hats before we left for Chicago. She was refusing until we landed at midway airport in the snow. My family was like ” why did you adopt a 9 year old girl” limwhaw was surprised at Chicago and asked if  motorcycles are allowed here. Its too cold to ride cycles now said my sister. When Limwhaw showed her passport my family was saying it was a fake she did not just turn 15. So I started a slide show of my pictures on the digital TV and they were surprised how small the people of her tribe were. Limwhaw slept with my 25 year old sister. She asked to snuggle because it was so cold in the house to her. My sister came down for breakfast and said she is a teen not a 9 year old. Why I said ? Because she has a crush on you. I told her she must be 18 to get married. She told me she didn’t know her real birthday. Limwhaw came down stairs and noticed everything was too high to reach. She likes to make coffee I told my sister. So a stool was found and Limwhaw took it everywhere. One month of English and Limwhaw was speaking well. In six months she gained 12 pounds and grew a half inch . I went back to her country twice a year for work and always took Limwhaw with me. When Limwhaw was 17 and a half she was 4 foot 6 and 76 pounds. Eating American food I was 220 pounds. Will I always be too young for you to marry me? I’m a woman . Maybe I’m 19 years old we will never know. I will never be tall or Black. I will always love only you. My heart broke and I reached out to her. You will be a young woman when I’m an old man. You will live long time. She told me it’s good with me. She drove me to the court house and we got married that day. We had the presidential suit in the hotel where she worked evenings. Mom called where are you two I have dinner? We just got married see you in a couple days. Honey she is so small you can’t do that to her. I had to hang up. I asked Limwhaw before we undressed , I may be too big and you maybe too small. No Mister big black man. My doctor say even very young and very little woman has room to make and deliver baby. You just big penis no problem. I can fit no worry. Limwhaw and I made love all night and all morning. You perfect size big man. Your perfect size too little woman.  Nine years and three children later . I am still in love with her. We live in Westchester Illinois now.
This is my story

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