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dirty dipping

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: in a pool
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so me and my best girl friend were up late one night and we thought it would be cool to go skinny dipping in her pool. we climbed out of her window and ran while screaming and pulling all of our clothes off. we were just swimming around for awhile and my friend started to look very attractive. then we started making out i mean tongue and all. it was so cold out that night and the water was freezing so we stayed together for “body heat.” my hands started roaming all over her body. we were both virgins and very nervous but ready. so then we did the deed but we thought the chlorine would kill the sperm so we didnt think anything of it we were “free.” but we were forced to get married because my best friend got pregnant and i was forced to break up with my girlfriend at the time. so im going to be a father. good points are that we can have all the sex we want.

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