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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Work
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 16 and had an evening and weekend job at the local mall for a small cinnamon roll store. The owner was a guy in his 40’s and he was married to a girl in her mid 20’s. Most of the girls like the guy but he showed me a lot of attention. I was kinda silly in my ways so I got the nickname “Dizzy’ from everyone. There were usually two people working the late shift and if business was slow he would let one go early and the other one would close and clean up. One evening things were slow and he let the other girl go home. After we closed I cleaned the front area and went to the back to wash the pans and utensils that we used. The owner was in his office closing out the register. After a few minutes he walked out to the front and as he went by me he touched me on the butt and said “nice butt”. I was embarrassed but still said “thanks’. When he came back he stopped and ask me if I was about finished. I told him almost then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I asked him what that was for and he told me he had been attracted to me for some time. The next thing I knew we were kissing and he laid me back on the table that we used to make rolls on and started unbuttoning my jeans. I didn’t say anything and he pulled them off. Then pulled my panties down to my knees and began fingering me. It didn’t take long for him to have me right where he wanted and he took my panties the rest of the way off. He got his penis out and I told him I had never done anything and he told me I would enjoy it and pulled me down to the edge of the table and got between my legs. He started in me and I ask him if he wasn’t going to use a condom but he just went on in. I ask him want he would do if I got pregnant and he told me we would cross that bridge if it happened. The longer he was in me the more I enjoyed it then I felt he cumming in me and let out a big “Oh Boy” as I had an orgasm. When he finished he told me he had enjoyed me very much and I was very good. When my period was due it did not come and after I was a week late I told him I thought I was pregnant. He ask what I wanted to due and I told him I was scared and didn’t know what to do. He offered to arrange an abortion for me which he did and I hated doing it but had no choice.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience