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Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: step aunt's house
Langauge: enlish
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

MY dad died when I was 3yo My mom remerryed when I was 8yo my stepdad took us to meet his sister’s famley 5 boys the youngest 14yo his name is kenny,him & i played all day sciping rocks on the river,climeing tree’s,running through the wood’s .diging for aero heads.we had a real good time .something happened to the car that couldent be fixed untill the next day.so we had to spend the night.because of not enough bedroom I had to sleep with kenny.he seemed to be very happy about that.I dident know anything about sex yet not even how to play with myself.I dont even know if I know the word sex.we went to bed and talked awhile I fell asleep I woke up with kenny heavy breathing on my neck .his dick between my legg’s pushing against my littel ball’s, and he was jacking me off.I was afrade I dident understand what was happening I do think I liked the felling of him jacking me.I dident know what it was but I felt his cum warm aganist my ball’s I felt it was wet and stickey. he wispered do you like that I said I guess so.I cant remerber everthing .But at one time that night his dick was in my mouth.I remerber it felled my whole mouth and him wispering lick it and rap your toung around it I dident like the idea of somebody’s dick in my mouth.but was afrad not to do what he wanted he dident force me I must have been afrade he wouldent be my friend or something,That was my first time.I remember later in years I think I was maybe 12 or 13 staying the night with my ceuson who was older then I I sleap with him for some reason I go the strongest earge to suck his dick so I put my hand in his underwear and pulled his soft dick out the pee hole and sucked it hard I felt it throubing and quit before he cumed in my mouth. another time I fuck him while he pertend to be sleeping.

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