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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Cuzins bed
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

One day me and my cusin went for a walk round to his friends house and he had this hot sister named Tira she was so hot her tits where so big and firm.

Well any way we met that day and we went bak to my cusins house and we where sitting there and she said lets play truth dare dobble dare kiss love or torture i choose dare and she said i dare you ta ask me out so i did and then my cusin said hey i will let you use my bed so i dared her to have sex wid me we got under the blankets and started kissing and I kept my hand holding her hot tits i got underneith the blankets to see her tits i started sucking on them the nipple on her tit went all hard and pointy and i said fuck me in her ear and i felt her wet pussy on me she was so horney i took her pants and panties off and my boxers and pants off and she got on top of me and started trying to put it in at the start she said it wont fit so i streshed her tight pussy and pumped my cock deep in side of her she moned and held me tight as we sat up and she rapped her legs around me and staret the up and down motion i felt so good she moned for about an hour we came 3 times and then we layed the tierd as and then she whisperd in my ear i love you and then we both got dresed and i walked her home and we swore never to tell any one that it ever happend so tira if you ever read this i still love you and im sorry for telling every body.

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