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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: My House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was at a party with my brother and his friends I didn’t like them at all so I would stay away from them and I was walking around and they had the t.v. Then I got thirsty and I went to the kitchen and I looked for a drink and he came and said here take this I looked at him because I didn’t trust him he always trid to pick on me so I took a sip and it tasted like liqour and I said take it back I don’t drink and he asked me why not and I said I don’t and I tried to look for my brother and and he grabed me and said drnk it and I said my arm and my brother looked and got up and asked what wrong and I said your friend puted his hands on me he said okay and I saw he had a bottle in his hand and I snatched it away and I said you can’t drink this and he said well I’ve been drinking it and he snatched it from me and pushed me and I had tears runnung doqn my face and I walked out and he came after me and I said if something happen don’t say I didn’t do nothing and I walked out to the car and it was a far walk and I got in I sat ther and I cried and I didn’t have the keys and I tried to call my parents but they didn’t pick up and they were with friends out of town. I sat in the car on my phone and my brother came out and he said he need to use the car and I asked for what and I just got out and said take and get arrested and I walked back in I sat down on the stiars crying and everybody started to leave and I was the only on there and he asked where your brother at and I said I don’t know I need a ride home. He looked at me and said get in the car and I walked to his truck and I got in and puted on a seat belt.

He pullled up to my house and I got out and he did too and Is saw a light in my brother room and I walked up and he did too and I opened up the door and I ran to his room and it was just the light he had left on and I walked in my room and I started taking off my clothes and I left the door open and he was standing in fron of the door looking at me and I went downstairs to close the blinds and I went upstairs and I got in the shower and he sat on my bed watching t.v. I came out with a towel wraped around me and I looked through my underware drawer and he got up and walked over I had my back turned but I knew he was over over got up and he wraped his arms around and put his tongue in my ear and started feel me and he started kisssing my neck. He then took off my towle off and he looked at me and pushed me on the bed he then got on top of me and he started kissing me and I started kissing him and he he felt me down there and he said you’re a virgin and he said I won’t hurt you he took off his clothes and puted on a condom and he started kissing me and he shoved himself in me I tried to moved but he held me down he started to go fast and he stoped and taped me to get in a another pose and he got my in the dog pose and he puted some spit on his hand and he wiped it in me and he said get low I want to get all of it and he puted his hands in my waist and moved me back and forth pounding me and said I’m going to fuck that pussy out and I was scrwaming and moaning and he then stoped and taped me to say come here and he picked me up and I wraped my arms around him and I started sucking his neck and he asked you’re going to come with me and I said uh huh and he said I want to hear you say it and I said it and he went harder and I said oh my god, oh my god, auh and screaming we then layed the bed and he got on top agin and he said he was comming and he pulled off the condomm came on my stomach and he started to finger me hard and then I came. He got a tissue off my desk and wiped the cum off of me. He kissed me and asked was that good and I said yeah and licked his sweat he got in to bed and he turned on the t.v. and we watched t.v. We fell asleep and I woke up the next morning. I got in the shower and he was still sleep I told hom to call my brother and he sat up in bed and called him and he talked to him. I asked what and e said he spent the night over some girls house and I said okay and I started cleaning my room and he grabed a sheet around him and went to take a shower and he got out and I took the shhets off the bed and he got his clothes on and he got ready to leave and I grabed his hand and I asked when can I see you and he said later your brother said he’s throwing a party here and I said oh andnhe said he we can sneak up here and I said okay and I asked do you want something to eat to befor you go he said yeah and I cooked some eggs and heeated and he left and he said later be here I said okay.

We did have the party later that night and he sneaked up to my room and stuff we still with each other.

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