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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: His House
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I was at school and we had to do the president thing wwhere we ask the leader for things we need for our clubs and my brother friend was the president and he run the thing and me and my friends were apart of the computer we help out with the school newspaper and other thing to help out in the office to help out and we were sppose to get new computers and we had to go to the meeting like the rest of the clubs and I was talking to my friends why are we here and I was mad and they told me to shut up and we were next and they were part of the athletics club and they always got the money instead of the others. So we were next and I walked up with the papers in my hand and I said the computer club need new computers and my brother was looking at me and he was the president and he banged his malet and he said no and I asked why and he said you wouldn’t take my offer and I said I’m not going out with your ass and he said okay virgin mary and I just left until when I was home and I heard a knock at the door and it was him again and I said come get your lost friend and he said can you come over to my house I need to talk to you about the meeting and I said okay and he said at my house and I asked why here he said just between me and you and I said and I told my brother I was leaving and we went over to his house and it was very nice and big I keep forgetting that he’s rich and we sat in the living and we talked about and the money and the computer club and I said you can’t be speneding all the money on atletics team and clubs and he said I’ve already been doing that and I said you need to stop and he said okay the computer club and virgin mary get new computer and he kept making jokes about me being a virgin and I started saying least I fuck hoes that I don’t even know and we started yelling back and forth and he stood up and I stood up and he started kissing me and I started kissing him back and he said you taste like strawberries and I asked that bad and he said no and we walked to the kitchen and he moved stuff off the counter and we kept kissing and he stoped and he said go upstairs and I said okay and he showed me where his room was nice and big and he got on his bed and we started taking off our clothes and I was sitting on his lap kissing him. We were both sitting up, I was in his lap and he started to finger me and he started to and he must of have got carried away and it hurt me and I made a small auh and and he asked you okay and I asked can you be gentle he said heay he already had on a condom and he was getting ready to enter me and he did it himself. He got the tip in me and he kind of push me down a little and I said oh my god and he moved me up and down he started to go faster and he leaned back he went faster than we were up and I started breathing heavy he asked you okay and I said uh hmm and he asked you promise and I said uh huh. He then stoped and he asked want to get off and I said no and he grabed me and rolled over and we were facing each other and he went on he got faster and he stoped and taped me to switch. He tried to get me in dogstyle and I said I didn’t know and he said he’ll be gentle so I did get in the posistion he got behind and he said get low arch your back and I did he went slow and I was getting hot and sweaty and he started to go faster and I started breath heavy and moaning. He grabed me by my hips and he went diper. He groaned and asked want me to stop and I said no and moaned. He got faster and I could hear the sound of us meeting he said I’m about to come and he camed he groaned and I had to catch my breath he stoped groaning and he started eating me out and I started moaning and he stoped and he told me he grabed another condom and put that on and he enterd me and he went fast and hard I started moaning and he made me climaxed and cum and he camed and he started kissing me and we kind of laid there for a while and we took a shower and he gave me a shirt to wear ans he wore some basketball shorts and he didn’t have on a shirt and I saw his abs and I walked downstairs and he said he orderd pizza and I said okay I sat on the couch and looked at the papers we have for the meetings and stuff. The pizza came and he fixed one plate and he sat beside me and he took the first one and I looked at the plate and it was meat lovers with everything and I said no thank you and he asked what and I said I don’t like meat lovers and all that meat on there so I got up and walked to the kitchen and I looked in the frig and I found some pineapple and I took the pineapple and I sat back on the couch and I asked what are the papers for and he said the new plans for the meetings.I got dressed and he took me home we said we would keep it a secrete and we kissed good bye. Next day at school we had the meeting agin and I sat with my friends and the computer club agin and him and his friends was at the head table and he kept smiling at me during the meeting and I smiled back and he called the computer club up and I took the papers with me and I said we needed new computers and he smiled at me and he said yes and banged the malete and I we waited the the thing to end and I saw him leaving and he said I had a great time last night and I said me too and we started kissing me and he said you were my best time and we started feeling each other and his and my friends said for real and we stoped and looked at them in the door and they just laughed and we left we still together.

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