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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: Coworker's apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the summer and as I did every summer I held down a job so I could pay for college. I was 20 years old and working full time at a credit bureau in a downtown office building. It was a small office with all the women there being married, except one. Nicki was a pleasant young woman about two or three years older than me. I wasn’t attracted to her at all, though. She had a mild hare lip that made you want to put a bag over her face. Aside from her face, though, she had a decent enough body with full boobs, blonde hair, and by the looks of her general appearance, she took care of herself. And although we worked in the same office, we didn’t work “together” so even by the end of July I really didn’t know anything about her other than her looks, such as they were.
One day after work I happened upon Nicki walking along the downtown sidewalk toward the parking lot everybody parked in. As she and I walked we chatted to reduce the awkwardness of the moment. We got to the parking lot and I became a little confused when she didn’t walk in the same direction as me anymore. Assuming she drove, I asked her if she was parked in another lot. Instead, she replied that she didn’t own a car and took the bus. Being the gentleman I was raised to be, I offered her a ride to her apartment. She accepted and soon we were in my car on our way to her apartment. At this point I didn’t think much of it. I wasn’t attracted to her in any way. I was just doing a nice thing for someone who didn’t own a car. I had no plans of trying to turn this into a relationship of any sort and surely didn’t want anything physical from Nicki the bag-face girl.
So we get to her apartment (by then the conversation had been going pretty well) and she asks if I’d like to come inside for a beer. Not liking alcohol I said something geeky like “Well, if you have something water-based, I’d take that.” (Yeah, I was a geeky virgin at the time.) So we go inside her apartment and she starts making me an iced tea using a pan of water on the stove with a big tea bag. While the water heated up, she disappeared into her bedroom to change out of her work clothes and I sat down in the living room.
Now here’s where things get interesting for me. I’m a 20 year old virgin, never been in an older girl’s apartment before, she’s in her bedroom changing her clothes, and I’m out in the living room with time to kill. So I’m thinking to myself, Doug, this is it! See if you can get in her pants! See if Nicki the bag-face girl is easy! You could get tits, pussy, maybe the whole package. You haven’t had any pussy in two years. Go for it! But then I think to myself, ewww, this is Nicki the bag-face girl. Do you really want to kiss *that* face? On top of that, my gentlemanly upbringing kicks in and I start to feel guilty about treating Nicki’s invitation to come inside with the dignity of visiting a brothel or something. Shame on you, Doug. Where are your manners?
More time passes. Nicki is still changing her clothes behind her bedroom door. My shame subsides and my thoughts circle back to sex. What if I just show my interest, my horniness? If she comes out into the living room and notices a huge bulge in my crotch, what will happen then? What could she do? She could ignore it, she could be offended, or she might be interested. Who knows? At this point I must admit to not showing a lot of respect for Nicki. I knew there was never going to be a relationship between us, and in a few weeks I knew I’d never see her again, so it didn’t matter what my crotch was doing. It was at this point that I decided to override my upbringing and for the first time in my life openly entice a girl into sexual activity. I shifted in my seat. This caused my pants to tighten even more around my bulge, completely exposing the length and width of my fully erect penis through the worn fabric of my teen-age boy size work pants. (I hadn’t bought new pants for this temporary summer job. I reused a really old pair since they still fit, if too tightly. They left nothing to the imagination.) A few more adjustments for maximum effect and I was ready for her to see me, to see my open desire for sex. My crotch was burning, my erect penis was as long and as hard as it could ever be, and my blood was boiling. It didn’t take long for Nicki to finish dressing and come out into the living room.
Now at this point I have to admit I deliberately watched where Nicki’s eyes went. If her eyes deliberately ignored my open display, I’d have my answer. If she glanced, but looked away and pretended not to notice, I’d have my answer (and be ashamed). If, on the other hand, she looked and her gaze locked on, even if only for a moment, I’d have the answer I was looking for.
I watched for her eyes. They were clear about it. They locked on *and* bulged. Game on, Doug. Game on.
After the drinks were made, on the pretense of looking at pictures she grabbed a photo album and asked if I wanted to see some pictures. I sat on the couch, but she sat on the floor, her back between my legs, my throbbing penis at the height of her mouth. We looked at pictures of her family for a while and she put on some music. It didn’t take long, though, before the photo album was cast aside, we were both on the floor, and my hands were feeling her breasts as I pressed my bone into her thigh.
Now at this point I had a decision to make. Do I want to pretend to be attracted to this chick and actually kiss her, or do I hold back. I really wanted to hold back on kissing Nicki the bag-face girl because I had no feelings for her whatsoever, but since I figured she wouldn’t let me go any farther without kissing her, I gathered up my courage, closed my eyes, suppressed strong feelings of “Ewwwww” and began kissing her. Oh God, it was hard to do. The whole time I was cringing inside.
After that, it was all downhill from there. She let me under her sundress where I found she was wearing crotchless panties; she let me pull down the top of her sundress whereupon I found two of the shapeliest, firmest breasts I’ve ever had (before or since), and finally she let me take all the rest of her clothes off until she was completely naked. Her face was ewwww, but other than that she had a really good body, her stomach was flat and trim, her bush was natural blonde and neatly trimmed, and her ass was shapely, smooth and felt nice.
From there it wasn’t long before I took off my clothes and she began to do her thing and make love to my fully engorged penis. She was quite skilled and clearly enjoyed sucking dick, her head bobbing up and down vigorously while I lay on my back trying to see the action. She kept at it for quite a while with full vigor, but having had my high school girlfriend fail to bring me to orgasm orally, I assumed her enthusiasm would be for naught as well. But Nicki kept at it, working my shaft and head with the enthusiasm of someone who loves a penis in her mouth and was proud to show her skills. After a while her enthusiasm began to pay off and to my surprise I felt the stirrings of an orgasm in the making. Nicki kept going and I kept rising. The more she sucked the more my butt rose up off the floor and the more my back arched upwards. Nicki kept sucking and bobbing, sucking and bobbing and I kept arching and rising. She didn’t let up. And even when I knew it was time for me to come, and I warned her by tapping on her back, Nicki didn’t let up even then. If anything she committed to it even more fully and kept going at it. She sucked as if she wanted the whole thing, the full suck, the full come, the full gulp and the full swallow. And this is what she got. My orgasm reached its full crescendo and I exploded in her mouth. Nicki sucked and swallowed and sucked and swallowed some more, even as my orgasm began to recede, my back lost its arch, and my naked butt returned to the carpet of Nicki’s living room floor.
I wish I could say we went on for hours more, me returning the favor, licking her cherry-douched vagina, (I guess that’s what was taking so long earlier?) but that wasn’t the case. Once my hormones subsided she tried to keep my interest by climbing on top of me, jiggling her fabulous boobs in my face, but I couldn’t get over her ugly face and her hare lip. After a small amount of obligatory cuddle time I made up some excuse, got dressed, and said I’d see her at work Monday. As I drove home I felt sort of good, but mostly bad. I felt like I was just a piece of meat, kind of sleazy, kind of smarmy, not gentlemanly at all. The physical high of the easy sex was fabulous – it was great to have no-obligation sex that easily, but the accompanying emotional low as I drove home took the glow out of the whole thing. Despite that though, looking back years later, I’m glad I did it even so. But what I’m really glad about is that we didn’t have intercourse. I wouldn’t want to look back and think I spent my virginity in such a skanky way. It was a good blow job, though.

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