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Dream come true

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was my sophomore year in high school and I was having fun and enjoying school. After the first few weeks of school, I realized that my history teacher was absolutely gorgeous and I had the hotts for him. What made his so amazingly hot was that he was strict while tall dark and handsome. Every day he wore a tie, dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes; except on Fridays of course when he wore a school spirited collared shirt. This showed off his muscles that were hidden under his shirt on any other day of the week. I’m sure many girls in my class had a slight crush on him as well, but none of my friends would openly admit it. I mean it just wasn’t something we said about our 35 year old teacher. Attributing my crush on him to my lack of a father figure; I tried to get him off my mind. It didn’t work. So after first quarter ended I found myself in his classroom for any reason I could find: getting help with work, helping him grade papers, or anything else I could find. One day I was there late after school helping him post things on his wall. When we were done both of us began to walk out to the parking lot together. I helped him put some papers into him truck and then walked to my car to drive home. My car wouldn’t start because I had neglected to notice the gas light on for the past few days. He offered to give me a ride home and I accepted. It was awkwardly silent for about 2 minutes when he started a conversation. He started off by saying, “how’d you miss your gas light for so long?” teasing me a bit and chuckling. In my defense I told him, “I don’t think it was working properly,” which we both knew wasn’t true. I really couldn’t believe this was happening; it was both exciting and nerve racking at the same time. The rest of the ride home I just sat there and looked over at him occasionally. After that, when I would go after school he’d get a little closer to help or find some reason to touch me. When he was showing me how to grade a paper our hands met and we just let them stay that way until one of his students came in and we quickly jerked apart. Before I left he came over and whispered in my ear, “what are you doing after the football game?” Though I already had plans with my friends I replied, “nothing.” So we agreed to dinner afterwards. My heart was pounding with excitement all night and after dinner we began making out in his truck. Things from then on heated up. We saw each other for any reason at all and made any excuse to get close. Things continued through the summer and at the beginning of my junior year I knew the night was coming. On my 17th birthday I “went to a friends house” and met him at his place. We started making out and dry humping. Soon his hand crept up my shirt and snapped off my bra in 2 seconds. As he continued to feel me up I unzipped hip pants and began jacking him off. I moved down and put my lips around his eight and a half inch dick. I gave him a blow job for about 8 minutes when he said it was my turn. He put me on the edge of the bed and unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off slowly. Next were my panties. Before taking them off completely, he pushed them to the side and began fingering me. It felt so unimaginably good that my lip was trembling and I let out an occasional moan. He made a trail of kisses from my pussy to my lips where he continued to kiss me while he took off my panties. He ate me out and made me cum all over his bed. He moved me back toward the top of the bed where we made out furiously and stripped each other of our remaining clothes. Then he stopped and asked if I was ready; I complied with a nod of my head. After slipping on his condom he opened my thighs and positioned himself with his head slightly inside my pussy lips. He hugged me while he slowly entered, ever so carefully. After a few insertions he began to pick up the pace while sucking on my tits. He let me come before him and boy did I come. I moaned and yelled as he let out his steaming load. After about ten minutes we rested and he changed him condom before the next round. We went a total of 3 times that night and fell asleep naked in his bed. I had called my mom and told her I was spending the night at my friend’s house so we had to whole night together. Now I’m in college and I see him almost every weekend. We plan to get married when I graduate, but until then we have sex as often as we can.

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