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drunk and horny

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my friend's backyard
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

so i was at my best friend’s house one night and we were drinking and we were all really drunk. then, at like 2 in the morning, a couple of our guy friends came over with some beer. They brought another guy with them who i had never met before. his name was travis. we drank the beer and got even more drunk and we were getting too loud and obnoxious so we had to go sit outside on the back porch so we didnt wake up my friend’s mom.
so, we go outside and it had rained the night before so there was sticks and leaves all over the chairs. i said that i didnt want to sit on them and matt said i could sit on his lap instead. so i did and as i was sitting there, he started running his hands up and down my thighs and kissing my neck and shoulders. after a while, my other friends saw what was happening and said they were gonna go take a walk around the block to give us some privacy. matt and i started making out and he took off my clothes and asked me if i wanted to suck his dick so i did and he asked me if i was a virgin. i said i was but told him it was ok. i had my period that day so we didnt use protection. he asked me if i was sure i wanted to do this and then stuck his penis into me and started ramming. it hurt but after a little while it got better. he asked me how it felt. i told him it was amazing and he started doing it harder. then i got on top and started riding his cock. after a while, he asked me if i minded if he came inside of me and i didnt care so he did. later on in the night, i sucked his dick again because he said it was so amazing. ive never seen this guy again

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